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National Judicial Council And The NBA National Should Bite, Not Bark As That Is The Panecea To Conflicting Court Judgments, By Douglas Ogbankwa

  • Vanguard for the Independence of the Judiciary

THE Vanguard of the Independence of the Judiciary (V4IJ) views the situation in Kano State, Nigeria, with multiple conflicting court judgments as a metaphor for the convulated spectrum of the Nigerian Judiciary.

The Vanguard asks the National Judicial Council to hold those found guilty of Judicial Indiscretion in the jugular, as that is the only way to clean up the augean’s table in the Nigerian Judiciary.

The Appellation My Lord is one whose nomenclature is reserved for the Almighty God.My Lords who bare that appellation must therefore have near divine mien and nuances, ,which should synchronise with justice and fairmess in all My Lord’s Conduct in and out of Court .


The Nigerian Bar Association must go beyond issuing statements to stem the tide of Conflicting Court Judgments. The only way to send a message loud and clear is to interrogate the Conflicting Court Judgments on record.The Courts are Courts of Records and not Courts of Statements on social media. Enough of the rhetoric, the time to act is now .

The Nigerian Judiciary should know that they do not operate on Mars. * The public is the consumers and customer of Judicial Activities.It is foolhardy for the Nigerian Judiciary to operate in a Society and feel that the perception of citizens are irrelevant. That was the beginning of the EDSARS protests, and I dare say that the Nigerian Public’s perception towards the legal profession as a whole leaves much to be desired .

The Earlier we retraced our steps as a profession and connected with the society we serve, the better for us as a Profession.The Justice Reform Summit held in Abuja recently did not carry along the reformists in the profession .So the summit was therefore the usual talk shop of Stakeholders that have largely similar interests, ,to wit: maintaining the status quo.In order to achieve change, you must shake the table and ruffle feathers .Change is a challenge to the adventurous and a threat to the obscure and insecure

Douglas Ogbankwa Esq.,
Convener ,
Vanguard for the Independence of the Judiciary.

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