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40th Anniversary Of Baptist High School Class Of 1984 Set: The Beauty Of Yesteryears, By Igbotako Nowinta

NO doubt in 40 years, some of us have seen remarkable turbulence and temptations, and emerged victorious; some have passed on unfortunately to meet their maker; some are experiencing spectacular success in their field of studies; some are enjoying the best times of their chosen careers, while some are struggling and grabbling with the harsh realities of living under the sun and the moon, the beauty in the entire scenerio is that, we continue to advance with unfurled banners of Class 84 set. This is the beauty of yesteryears: some of your classmates in secondary school are still there for you, not only to felicitate with you from time to time, but to shoulder periodical collective welfare issues whenever the need arises.

Come January 19th to 21st, 2024, the 40th Anniversary of Baptist High School Class of 1984 Set will take place in Lagos, Nigeria, at the Barracuda Beach Resort & Water Pack Limited, Epe.
That the 2024 Re – Union Planning Committee decided to theme this gargantuan event: “The Beauty of Yesteryears” speaks volumes about the unforgettable nostalgic memories that would flow endlessly like a river around all graduands of Baptist High School Class of 1984 set, that will grace the occasion.
Undisputably, by celebrating the ‘Beauty of Yesteryears’ classmates of 1984 will be bringing back to reality 40-years old memories of unbridled recklessness; academic gymnasium; boundless display of energy; erotic relationships; savage adventures; peer pressure induced stubbornness; crazy teenage exuberance etc.
What is beauty; what is yesteryears? Beauty according to Ralph Waldo Emerson :” Is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”. While Franz Kafka said :”Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old”.
Talking about yesteryears: the good old days, old times or past times remembered with nostalgia, the planners of Baptist High School Class of 1984 Re- Union 2024, party cum 40 years anniversary is telling us nostalgically about the time that the ex- students were innocent lots in school.
Therefore, profound images will transform into sudden realities and old memories that cocooned within the walls of Baptist High School for 40 years will certainly turn magical and sparkle within the vicinity of the Barracuda Beach Resort & Water Pack Limited, Epe, Lagos.
Let’s quickly go down memory lane. In June 1984, final year students (boys and girls) of Baptist High School, Benin City, in the then Bendel State now (Edo/Delta States) respectively, bid farewell to the school that had accommodated and capacitated them for five years.
Earlier in September 1979, these group of students were admitted into the school for the first time; and they didn’t know each other. But, after five years of rigorous academic excercises and having experienced intoxicating extra – curricular activities that usually come up in any school environment, these group of students exited Baptist High School, Benin City, not after they had written their collective faces in their hearts for ever.
In five years the graduands of Baptist High School in 1984 expectedly made friends with each other; while some relationships were very close , some were distant. But, the important thing is that at least they know each other.
Interestingly, some of these ex- students easily glued to each other even after leaving the school in 1984, but a chunk of them just like this writer lost contacts with many classmates for several decades.
Expectedly, the ex-students of Baptist High School, Benin City Class 1984 sought different ways or routes in life, according to the dictates of their destinies; while some left the shores of Nigeria seeking greener pastures across the seas, many remained within the Federal Republic of Nigeria to forge meanings in their various career paths.
One must commend infinitely those classmates who worked tirelessly and selflessly to bring about the idea of re – connecting old classmates; bringing us together, to constantly relish old memories. Permit me to mention some of these austounding personalities as space constraint will not allow me to name everybody here: Augustine Agbontaen, Mrs Jane ldiake, Mrs Julie Mann, Mrs Joy Tunde -Adeleke, Okojie Godwin, Mrs Adesuwa Uzamere, Benson Uwadiae, Henry Erimodafe, Mrs Okao Esther, Mrs Evelyn Ohunmu, Yaya Omosun, Idada Imuentinyan, Benjamin Aihie, Cyril Imaralu (late) etc.
This is also to appreciate profusely all members of Baptist High School Class of 1984 set for being there for each other; especially for proactively responsive to matters concerning welfare; even at short notice. Congratulations great classmates!
No doubt in 40 years, some of us have seen remarkable turbulence and temptations, and emerged victorious; some have passed on unfortunately to meet their maker; some are experiencing spectacular success in their field of studies; some are enjoying the best times of their chosen careers, while some are struggling and grabbling with the harsh realities of living under the sun and the moon, the beauty in the entire scenerio is that, we continue to advance with unfurled banners of Class 84 set. This is the beauty of yesteryears: some of your classmates in secondary school are still there for you, not only to felicitate with you from time to time, but to shoulder periodical collective welfare issues whenever the need arises.
The beauty of yesteryears is further explained in the sense that at the Barracuda Beach Resort & Water Pack Limited, Epe, Lagos, classmates would come from every corner of the world to meet physically and greet; felicitate with each other; wine, dine and dance together; in a nutshell experience captivating moments, after 40 years of leaving secondary school.
As classmates we must continue to forge ahead, never to look back or look down on anybody, because the almighty God is still in the business of fulfilling to the letter the destinies he had written down for some of us.
We must really be guarded that for some of us the real crown of destiny has not fully materialized. We must continue to recover for ourselves vigorously in the lane of greatness and positive relevance in this highly competitive mundane world.
In the spirit of the beauty of yesteryears, l leave us with this timeless admonition from the legendary Tibetian Monk, Dalai Lama: “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you cannot help others, at least don’t hurt them”.

Nowinta Igbotako, a Media Consultant, International Conflict Resolution Expert, is the General Secretary, Baptist High School Class ’84 Set.


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