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Guinean Civil Society Threatens Protests If Military Fails To Relinquish Power

A PROMINENT Guinean civil society collective, the National Front for the Defence of the Constitution (FNDC), has issued a stern warning to the military rulers, threatening to reignite protests if they fail to relinquish power by the close of 2024.

The military, which seized control of Guinea in 2021, had initially agreed, under pressure from the regional bloc ECOWAS, to facilitate elections by the end of 2024 following a transitional period. However, recent indications from the transitional government suggest a potential extension of military rule until 2025, a move vehemently opposed by the FNDC.


“We will firmly oppose any idea of a shift in the transition by all legal means, including demonstrations in the streets and public places throughout the country,” declared Ibrahima Diallo, a representative of the FNDC, which has been dissolved by the authorities.

Highlighting the dire socio-economic conditions gripping Guinea, Diallo emphasized the urgency of restoring civilian rule. “Prolonging the transition amid this socio-political instability is tantamount to prolonging the suffering of the people of Guinea,” he asserted during a press conference in the capital, Conakry.

The FNDC plans to engage in consultations with various stakeholders, including political parties, civil society groups, and press unions, with the aim of mobilizing support for renewed protests.

Echoing similar sentiments, the National Alliance for Alternation and Democracy (ANAD), an opposition coalition, urged the military rulers to honour their commitment to organize elections and called for widespread demonstrations.

Despite mounting pressure, General Mamady Doumbouya, the military ruler, has remained silent on the issue, raising concerns about the potential escalation of tensions.

The FNDC, known for its pivotal role in protests against former president Alpha Conde, who was ousted in 2021, has faced severe repression under the military junta. According to Amnesty International, the crackdown on demonstrations has resulted in the deaths of at least 47 individuals, predominantly young people, since the military takeover.

The military rulers imposed a ban on all demonstrations in 2022 and have detained numerous opposition figures, civil society activists, and journalists, fuelling apprehensions about the erosion of democratic freedoms in Guinea.

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