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The Masses Should Stand With NLC On The Proposed Strike Action Over Removal Of Fuel Subsidy, By Williams Adesoji

A frontline pro- democracy and human rights activist, Comrade Igbotako Nowinta, has thrown his weight behind the proposed nation wide strike action being planned for Wednesday June 7th, 2023, by the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress ( NLC).

Comrade Igbotako Nowinta opined this view in a press statement he signed and made available to journalists, in his office in Benin City, Edo State, over the weekend.


The peace and conflict resolution expert, said the suffering masses of Nigeria, should uncompromisingly stand shoulder to shoulder with the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) over the planned nation side strike action, saying it was a cruel and grave insensitive decision.

According to the full text of the said press statement:

“As a peace and conflict resolution scholar, the way President Bola Ahmed Tinubu unguardedly announced the removal of the controversial fuel subsidy, amounted to a grave insensitiveness to the feelings of Nigerian people. This new government has only added gasoline to the social economic inferno that has been burning our people mercilessly under ex- President Muhammadu Buhari

” Resolving conflict positively involves the application of mechanism of dialogue, fair play, honesty and openness, but President Tinubu has simply displayed his cruel and grave insensitiveness over an issue that touches the people of Nigeria very dearly.

“What is fuel subsidy?Fuel subsidy is the expenses being paid for the criminal taking of our crude oil across the seas for refining; plus the cost of bringing the stuff back. It is paying dearly for not making our refineries to work here. Why didn’t this new government wait to assemble all stakeholders to thrash the issue comprehensively before plunging the masses into the present
untold quagmire?

“The present treachery by President Tinubu will never grind down the will of the Nigerian people. Who says fuel subsidy should not be removed; even as this current removal of fuel subsidy is subjecting our people to a tragedy on a hiterto unknown scale?

“The current anger building amongst the masses should be transformed into supporting the proposed nation wide strike action being planned for Wednesday June 7th, 2023, by the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress ( NLC).

” We see the Presidency of Bola Tinubu as a vicious continuation of a play book familiar to us, even as millions of our people are psychologically traumatized with poverty, hyper- inflation and hunger. Nigerian masses know too well the political cartels, savage beasts and economic vampires profiting immensely from the fuel subsidy scam!

” As we wait impatiently to see the dislodgement of the current despots and ruling thieves via the ongoing Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, the masses of Nigeria should register their anger and fury, by standing shoulder to shoulder with the Chris Ajaero’s led Nigeria Labour Congress on Wednesday June 7th, 2023.

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