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Sunny Duke Okosun And APC’s Own Artificial Intelligence (AI), By Chris Ojeikere

LAST Saturday, Mr Sunny Duke Okosun, ace presenter and Assistant General Manager (Programmes)

of the Independent Television and Radio (ITV/R) played host to a strange human contradiction on the programme: Politics Today! A strange contradiction because of the incongruity between the revealed personality that came through during the programme, and the exalted position she occupies as the APC National Women Leader.

We will be soft on her because she is of the female gender and we are all trying to encourage that gender to continue to participate in politics. Governor Obaseki’s Government is well known for a good balance of gender inclusiveness. The only difference however is that while in Obaseki’s Government, we are talking of solid, well educated and accomplished women in their own rights, in the case of the APC woman leader, her obvious crass ignorance and halting syntax, which was only made worse by her forced effort at sophistry and laboured attempt at a polished diction, only succeeded at painting the picture of a totally Artificial Personality


Apparently, the only thing real about her was her fiery temperament and unrestrained, I must win the argument, lying tongue.

You would expect a so called National Women Leader of the APC to know that University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) would belong to the Federal Government, but not this Madam. She holds Governor Obaseki responsible for all the things going wrong in the Federal Government teaching hospital. In fact, Obaseki is to blame for the number of deaths in the institution!

Again, she has another axe to grind with Obaseki. Why should air fares be so expensive and Obaseki has done nothing about t? She was reminded by Sunny Duke that it was because of fuel subsidy removal by her APC Federal Government.

No! It’s not because of fuel! She countered ignorantly. Then, she continued: Okay, what of road? Do you know it’s ₦25,000 by road to Abuja? Asked Madam APC AI. Again, Sunny reminds her of subsidy removal. No! She was even more emphatic this time. It’s not because of fuel! It’s because the roads are bad from Benin to Abuja. You can’t travel by road. The roads are so bad! She announced triumphantly! Sunny Duke’s mouth was agape! It never crossed Madam’s mind for a moment that the road from Benin to Abuja was a Federal road neglected and abandoned by her failed Party!

She went further in blissful ignorance to remind Duke Okosun that it was the same story with Benin to Lagos road!

I think her confusion was beginning to embarrass Duke Okosun, who promptly changed the topic to afford her an opportunity to sell her candidate! It was a miscalculation! Asked to respond to criticism from Edo citizens of APC candidate’s intellectual deficiency, mental laziness and linguistics confusion? She screamed that he was a Senator of the Federal Republic!

The same way she would have screamed had you told her that she was neither an academic, nor an academician as she erroneously called herself just because she has an online “Dr” attached to her name. I hope she would bother to find out what those terms refer to and stop dressing herself in borrowed robes.

Someone should please tell Madam that for Edo State roads, Governor Godwin Obaseki has fixed over 565 roads covering over 737.37 kilometres in the past 8 years counting.

Could she please show us just one Federal road constructed in Edo State by her Party in the past 9 years?

Similarly, anytime she pays her once in four years visit to Edo again, would she humbly visit the Edo State Medical hub for a State of the Art medical experience? Our physicians in the world class Stella Obasanjo hospital will be glad to set aright the cognitive dissonance that makes Obaseki responsible for UBTH and the road to Abuja and Lagos!

The APC do have some strange women leaders!

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