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Nigerian Man Given Life Sentence For Wife’s Skateboard Murder

IN a tragic and harrowing case, Olubunmi Abodunde, a Nigerian resident in the United Kingdom, has been sentenced to life in prison for brutally murdering his wife, Taiwo, with a skateboard. The incident occurred on November 28, 2023, at their family home in Exning Road, Newmarket, Suffolk.

Abodunde, 48, admitted to causing ‘catastrophic brain injuries’ to his wife, as reported by the BBC. Ipswich Crown Court learned of the degree of violence involved in the attack that led to her death. Judge Martyn Levett ruled that Abodunde must serve a minimum of 17 years before being considered eligible for parole.


The court proceedings revealed troubling details about the events leading up to the murder. On November 27, the day before Taiwo’s death, a domestic incident occurred between the couple, resulting in Abodunde’s arrest. As part of his bail conditions, he was forbidden from contacting his wife.

The next morning, Abodunde violated these conditions by visiting their home to retrieve a mobile phone. CCTV footage confirmed Taiwo’s return home around 08:12 GMT. Tragically, the officers who arrived to speak with Taiwo about the previous day’s incident heard disturbing sounds coming from inside but received no response to their knocks.

Upon entering the property, police discovered Taiwo’s lifeless body with severe head injuries, indicating a vicious and sustained attack. The murder weapon, a skateboard covered in blood and skull fragments, was found at the scene. Additionally, evidence suggested that Taiwo had been strangled and subjected to further violence.

During the trial, Abodunde’s defence counsel, Nneka Akudolu KC, attributed his actions to the influence of medication, claiming he had ‘completely lost control.’ However, the court found no medical evidence supporting this assertion.

In sentencing, Judge Levett condemned Abodunde’s actions as ‘ruthless, violent, savage, and heartless,’ highlighting his lack of remorse. Suffolk Police, acknowledging previous interactions with the couple, referred themselves to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) following the murder.

The case underscores the devastating impact of domestic violence and highlights the need for support and intervention in such cases.

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