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Group Condemns EFCC, NAF Face-off

CLOSE Watch, a civil society organisation, has condemned the recent face-off between the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and some Nigerian Air Force (NAF) officers in Kaduna.

In a statement released on Sunday in Abuja, the group’s National Coordinator, Biodun Odele, said that the problem could have been resolved without turning it into a brawl in a public setting.

Odele stressed the necessity of government institutions cooperating to resolve divisive matters between them.


According to him, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, the current Chief of Staff, upholds strict ethical standards and would not put up with disorganised behaviour from his staff.

“EFCC and the NAF are both government institutions with key roles to play in the security architecture of our country, hence should not subject each other to any form of embarrassment.

“The Chief of the Air Staff will never condone any disorderly conduct both in private and public of his personnel.

“He frowns at behaviors which tend not only to embarrass the service but the government as a whole.

“We urge government agencies to work harmoniously especially as the country is passing through security challenges,” the group said.

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