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ANEEJ Is Interested In Advancing The Implementation Of The Paris Climate Agreement, By Igbotako Nowinta

  • ANEEJ’s Acting Executive Director, Leo Atakpu

Port – Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

The Africa Network for Environment & Economic Justice ( ANEEJ), has declared that it is ready absolutely to advance the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.

This call was made on Tuesday February 13th, 2024, by the Acting Executive Director, ANEEJ, Mr. Leo Atakpu, in his welcoming address, during a meeting held at the Visa Karena Hotel, Port – Harcourt, Rivers State, to reflect on Ken Saro – Wiwa’s struggles for environmental justice in the Niger Delta.


Mr. Leo Atakpu said the important meeting took place to reflect on Ken Saro Wiwa’s struggles for environmental justice in the Niger Delta and to discuss emerging issues that have implication for the environment in the region.

According to him :”We are interested in advancing the implementation of Paris Climate Agreement by encouraging oil companies and their investors to adopt the call for carbon emission reduction targeting 1.5 degrees celsius and bellow, and fossil fuel phase-out with a just energy transition projection to protect the natural environment from pollution and over-exploitation. Despite the urgent need for the world to quickly move away from fossil fuel or at least drastically reduce carbon emission, to meet the 1.5 degree celsius target set in Paris, and save the planet from destruction, oil and gas companies have failed to provide realistic plans that will ensure global comfort. Major oil companies have abandoned initial climate commitments for short term profit because of increased global demand for crude oil.

In 2023, the Church of England Pensions Board, a major investor in Shell and other oil companies announced that it is withdrawing its fund from Shell and other companies because such companies have abandoned its climate commitments for short term profit. More investors like the Dutch healthcare pension fund, PFZW have also dumped some oil companies for lack of credible climate strategy…In the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, oil wells are constantly being developed, the environment is polluted including land, air and water.

The people’s livelihood has been badly affected”. ANEEJ has produced a very insightful documentary to mark Ken Saro Wiwa struggle and triggered a reflection on the state of Niger Delta and the quest for climate justice. The documentary was viewed by participants during the meeting and robust cum penetrating comments were made on the state of the region, especially as Shell recently announced its divestment plan from on-shore operations in the region and the sale of its on-shore facilities.

The meeting which was attended by 47 community leaders, civil society organizations and journalists, discussed the need to commence the campaign for the environmental assessment of every aspect of the Niger Delta; the outcome of the just concluded COP28 which was held in Dubai in December 2023; the opportunities the event has created to advance the Niger Delta struggle; agreed on advocacy entry point and actions to be taken to support the quest for environmental justice in the Niger Delta,etc, while an ‘outcome statement’ from the meeting was being put together.

The event was part of the implementation of Advocacy for fossil fuel phase out in Nigeria project supported by African Climate Foundation (ACF).

The Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) which organized the crucial meeting, is currently working with some donors to further the work on climate change and the environment.

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