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Zulum Sympathises With Yobe State Gov’t Over Tikau Monarch’s Demise

By Inusa Ndahi, Maiduguri

BORNO State Government under the leadership of Governor Babagana Zulum, ably represented by his Deputy, Dr. Umar Usman Kadafur led a prominent delegations to condole with the Yobe state government and the entire Tikau Emirate Council over the death of H.R.H, Dr.Muhammed Abubakar Ibn Grema.


The Royal father, aged 73 died recently at Specialist hospital Potiskum after a brief illness.

The deputy governor was received by the Emir of Fune, Alhaji Dr Sale Idriss Ibn Usman, former deputy governor of Yobe state, Alhaji Sale Bagare (Madakin Tikau) and Alhaji Ibrahim Talba OON (Ciroman Tikau).

Special prayers were offered for the reposed soul of the deceased and asked Allah to give the people of Tikau Emirate and the entire people of Yobe state, the fortitude to bear the great loss.

The delegation was equally at the government house Damaturu on similar mission where they were received by the governor of Yobe Hon. Mai Mala Buni.

While conveying the heartfelt condolence message of Borno State Governor, Alhaji Usman Kadafur described the deceased as an ideal traditional figure whose exit is a great loss to the nation.

Responding, the Yobe state governor Alhaji Mai Mala Buni thanked the delegation for the visit describing the late emir as a humble and committed leader who lived an exemplary life, recalling his contribution in preservation of ecology, charitable works as well as maintenance of peace in his domain.

Alhaji Umar Usman Kadafur was accompanied during the condolence visit by the Secretary to the Borno State Government Hon.Bukar Tijjani, Hon.Commissioner for Local government and emirate affairs Hon.Sugum Mai Mele, Hon.Commissioner for religious affairs Alhaji Babagana Malarima, Commissioner ministry of Environment Hon.Emat Mohammed Kois, Deputy Chief of Staff Alhaji Haruna Hassan Tela, special advisers, senior special assistants, special assistants, principal secretary Alhaji Mohammed Adamu Lawan among other top government functionaries.

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