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World Bank, Borno MCRP Trains 200 PHC Directors, Others On Governance, Financial Management

By Inusa Ndahi, Maiduguri
TO ensure good governance and prudent management of funds, the World Bank in collaboration with Borno State Multi-Sectoral Crisis Recovery Project (MCRP) and the Ministry of Reconstruction Rehabilitation and Resettlement have organized a three -day capacity building training for 200 Primary Health Care  (PHC) providers on Facility Governance and Finance Management.
The training programme taking place at Armani Event Centre at Mafoni Liberty of Indimi Road in Maiduguri.
Aimed at meeting the goals of National Healthcare Policy which stressed the need for an effective and efficient healthcare delivery service in every ward to promote every citizen, the training attracted over two hundred participants including Directors, Facility Managers and Coordinators drawn from across the state.
Declaring the training open, the Chairman Borno State Primary Health  Care Development Agency, Professor Muhammad Arab Alhaji said, for any health facility to achieve best outcome in service delivery, it must combine the trio of equipment, drugs and trained manpower.
In this regard he said, the governor Babagana Zulum’s administration has done a lot in the area of healthcare delivery service, particularly in the Primary Healthcare Centres.
“Governor Babagana Umara has not only constructed and build new clinics and hospitals, but also provided all existing health facilities with medical equipment, drugs and other consumables, in addition to employment and training of health workers.
“This is because, the Basic Universal Healthcare Coverage, BUHC cannot be met without trained health personnel hence the importance of training.” Arab said.
Earlier, the State Project Coordinator of MCRP, Baba Zannah Abdulkarim, represented by the Project Admin Officer, Nathaniel Shugaba Walah, described the training as essential part of the project activities and enjoined the participants to use the opportunity to learn new techniques, update their knowledge, share experiences and step down whatever they learn for overall benefit of the people.
Governor Babagana Umara he said, has done a lot in the state health sector adding that as Facility Managers and Coordinators it is their mandate to deliver government policies.
The knowledge acquire, he noted will benefit them even after retirement and call on them to ensure proper management of their respective health facilities, drugs, human resources and finances.
Giving objectives of the training Suleiman Dauda, one of the presenters said, it is focused on the “must know” of financial and facility management skill relevant to healthcare workers operating in Nigeria primary healthcare centres in managing both human and material resources.
The training he added will cover financial management, monitoring, supervision and control at PHCs, drugs and consumable management, human resource and financial management.
Dauda said primary health centres being the first level of contact for individuals, families and communities must be strengthened.
“Training and management of human and hospital resources, alongside drugs and finances are key towards actualizing this mandate.” He said.
Yagana Alhaji Modu of Yerwa PHC, Bukar Mai Abatcha, Director PHC Mobbar, Balu Bukar Adamu of Shuwari and Ali Mangla Monguno of Kukawa PHCs all expressed delight over the changes taking place in the heath sector, as according to them such training are vital, relevant and timely in meeting up to the global practices.

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