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What Governor Godwin Obaseki Should Be Telling Us Before Trying To Become A Godfather

By Dr Patrick Eholor

1. Progress of Gelegele Sea Port.
2. Progress of Edo North Airport.
3. Progress of Emotan Garden Estate.
4. Progress of Industrial Park.
5. Progress of Innovation Hub.
6. Progress of the Malaysia University of Innovation.
7. Progress of Sobe Farms.
8. Progress of Benin-Abraka Road.
9. Progress of Ekenwan-Ugbiyokho Road.
10. Progress of Benin-Auchi Railway Line.
11. Number of Primary Schools built.
12. Number of Secondary Schools built.
13. Number of Primary Health Care built.
14. Number of Standard Roads built.
15. Number of visible indigenous entrepreneurs raised.
16. Number of Teachers in our Public Schools.
17. Numbers of Health Workers recruited.
18. Numbers of Bursaries and Scholarships paid for.
19. Number of free exam enrolments offered.
20. Numbers of orphans and widows he supported.
21. What happened to the 18 billion FG refund to Edo for federal roads constructed by Oshiomhole?
22. What happened to a total of 24 billion Paris refunds?
23. What happened to a total of 22 billion refunded for an excess deduction of 13% oil derivation?
24. What happened to the 13% oil derivation currently flowing in?
25. What happened to the several loans taken?
26. What is our increased IGR spent on monthly?
27. What is happening to our monthly federal allocation accruing from Abuja?
28. What happened to AAU, Ekiadolor, Iguorhiakhi, Igueben, and Abudu Colleges?
29. What is Edo State’s stake in the Benin City Mall that replaced the destroyed public library?
30. What is replacing Central Hospital in the demolished location?
31. Why he demolished the landed properties and houses of the good and hardworking people of Obagie, Obayantor and Okoaroma communities.
32. Where are the 18 model hospitals he signed MoU for each LGA?
33. Where is the 18 mini stadia he also signed MoU for each LGA?
34. Where is the fabrication village he signed MoU for?
35. Where is the Uwelu, Ekiosa, Santana and Oba markets he promised to rebuild after the inferno?
36. Where are the fire fighting vehicles and machines he claimed to have bought?
37. Where are the 369 unit estates in Ekpoma
38. ⁠What is Edo State’s stake in the radisson hotel project and how much of taxpayers money is in the project
39. Where are the locations of the 11 armoured personnel carrier he said he bought. etc.


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