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VIDEO: SEXUALY ABUSED? Nigerian Army Generals In Trouble As Brave Female Soldier Exposes What They Did To Her

NIGERIAN military personnel Ruth Ogunleye, also known as @Ogunleyeruthsavage1 on TikTok, has made serious allegations against her superiors, specifically naming Col. IB Abdulkareem, Col. GS Ogor, and Brig. Gen. IB Solebo. She claims that Abdulkareem, in particular, has made her life unbearable, attempting assault, administering injections against her will, forcibly relocating her, and confining her in a psychiatric hospital.

Sharing her distressing experience on TikTok, Ogunleye detailed the challenges she faced, asserting that Abdulkareem’ s advances, which she rejected, led to him becoming a constant threat in her military career. She alleged that he hindered her advancement by denying promotion courses, injected her without consent, and even froze her salary for a year


Recounting events from 2022 when she was posted to Cantonment Medical Centre, Ojo, Ogunleye claimed that Abdulkareem requested sex, and upon refusal, became a recurring nightmare. She revealed instances of being beaten, injected, and set up by other soldiers at Abdulkareem’ s orders. Brig. Gen. IB Solebo and other senior officers allegedly participated in embarrassing her, recording the incidents.

Ogunleye, anticipating potential consequences, reached out to Nigerians for support. She acknowledged the risk of arrest but highlighted her father’ s attempts to intervene, claiming that Abdulkareem instructed her father to relay the message to ” obey the last command, ” which was for her to ” sleep with” the colonel

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