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UK Tempts Failed Asylum Seekers: £3,000 To Relocate To Rwanda

Making Government Deliver for the British People (HTML) - GOV.UK

RECENT reports indicate that the UK government is considering a novel approach to address the issue of refused asylum seekers by offering them financial incentives to relocate to Rwanda under a new ‘voluntary’ scheme. The arrangement, distinct from the existing plan to process asylum claims in Rwanda, has been reportedly finalised with the East African nation, as detailed by The Times newspaper.

In response to inquiries, a Home Office spokesperson acknowledged the exploration of ‘voluntary relocations…to Rwanda.’ They stressed the significance of such initiatives, stating, ‘In the last year, 19,000 people were removed voluntarily from the UK, and this is an important part of our efforts to tackle illegal migration.’


According to The Times, the proposed scheme targets individuals with concluded asylum claims who are deemed eligible for expedited relocation to Rwanda, considered by the government as a safe third country. Immigration officials are purportedly tasked with approaching failed asylum applicants, encouraging them to accept the financial offer and move to Rwanda.

‘This is in addition to our Safety of Rwanda Bill and Treaty which, when passed, will ensure people who come to the UK illegally are removed to Rwanda,’ the Home Office spokesperson further explained.

The voluntary relocation initiative is portrayed as an extension of the existing Home Office voluntary returns scheme, where migrants receive financial support of up to £3,000 to return to their countries of origin. Refusal to relocate to Rwanda may result in restrictions on employment and benefits in the UK, as per The Times.

Critics, including the main opposition Labour Party, have raised concerns about the practicality of the scheme. Shadow Immigration Minister Stephen Kinnock remarked, ‘There have been so many confused briefings around the Rwanda policy that the public will be forgiven for treating this latest wheeze with a degree of scepticism.’

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s push for the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill faces scrutiny in the House of Commons (parliament), where the government seeks to overturn amendments introduced by the House of Lords. Opposition to the bill suggests doubts about its efficacy, with critics questioning the capacity of Rwanda to accommodate relocated individuals and calling for transparency regarding the scheme’s implementation and costs.

As parliamentary debates ensue, the government maintains its commitment to enacting measures aimed at curbing illegal migration, despite growing scepticism surrounding its strategies.

The House of Commons is scheduled to debate and vote on proposed amendments to the bill on March 18.

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