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South Africa’s Legal Team Earns Praise At ICJ, President Ramaphosa Voices Pride

  • President Cyril Ramaphosa commends South Africa’s legal team for their impressive arguments at the International Court of Justice against Israel, seeking justice for Gaza

IN a moment of national pride, President Cyril Ramaphosa lauded South Africa’s legal team for their stellar performance at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as they passionately presented arguments against Israel in the genocide case. Addressing the Women’s League of the ANC party, President Ramaphosa expressed, ‘I have never felt as proud as I felt today when our legal team was arguing our case in The Hague.’

President Ramaphosa emphasised the meticulous preparation, stating that South Africa had assembled a strong team of lawyers to represent the nation’s case at the ICJ. He added, ‘I am pleased with how our legal team has carried itself in this critical moment.’


Justice Minister Ronald Lamola, leading the South African delegation to The Hague, echoed this sentiment. He remarked, ‘We believe the court has heard our sight. They understand the urgency, and they will deliver the verdict within a reasonable time.’ Lamola addressed reporters, stressing the commitment to justice and ending humanitarian atrocities in Palestine. He warned that ‘the scale of these actions is reminiscent of the Rwandan genocide 10 years ago.’

As the ICJ heard South Africa’s arguments on Thursday, legal experts worldwide echoed President Ramaphosa’s sentiments, acknowledging the strength of the case. Iqbal Jassat, an executive member of the Media Review Network, South African-based advocacy group, praised the high-powered team of legal specialists, stating, ‘We at Media Review Network are confident that the court will make a finding in favour of South Africa.’

Palestinian Ambassador to South Africa, Hanan Jarrar, expressed gratitude to South Africa for standing with Palestine, describing the case as a beacon of hope. She said, ‘Injustice will not last forever. The apartheid regime will not last forever. Atrocities and colonization will not last forever.’

The ICJ is set to hear Israel’s response on Friday, and the global community is closely watching this significant legal battle unfold.

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