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Security: Yobe Is Safe For Doing Businesses, Says SSG

By Inusa Ndahi, Maiduguri

THE Secretary to the Yobe State Government (SSG), Baba Malam Wali has said that the state is now safer than the 35 states in the country, and that investors are free to come and tap the economic potential under the leadership of Governor Mai Mala Buni.

According to him, the incessant attacks of Boko Haram between 2013 and 2023 in the state; have been reduced to the barest level in conducting various economic activities.


Wali made the declaration in Damaturu at a media parley with journalists to mark five years of Governor Mai Mal Buni in office.

He noted that before Buni assumed the mantle of leadership, there were many communities that remained inaccessible; due to the threats posed by terrorists in Gulani and Gujba Local Government Areas, pointing out that almost all these communities are safe after their internally displaced persons ,IDPs were relocated and resettled with dignity with the support of the government and other developing partners.

“With the state government’s commitment, supported by the federal government, military, developing partners, security agencies, vigilante groups and concerned stakeholders, Yobe State is now peaceful for doing business, as total peace has been restored by God’s grace.”

The SSG, therefore, declared that normalcy has returned to the insurgency-ravaged areas, including the border communities of Geidam, Yusufari, Yunusari and Nguru local government areas.

Besides the restoration of peace, Wali added that reconstruction, resettlement and rehabilitation (RRR) of affected communities have been completed with people’s livelihoods.

“The Buni/Yadi community has been developed, while that of Malamdunari is being carried out satisfactorily at present,” the SSG noted.

While corroborating the safety of Yobe for its people and investors, he said: “In almost all parts of the state, people are now moving about pursuing their legitimate goals without hindrance.”

On manpower training to boost internally generated revenue (IGR), he told the journalists that in consolidating the achievements of successive administrations, measures were also put in place to boost the IGR of ministries, Departments and agencies (MDAs).

“We’re strengthening the Treasury Single Account (TSA),” by adopting reforms with new approaches to reduce leakages in the execution of government businesses,” he said.

He stated that TSA has recorded a lot of achievements in the implementation of policies, including the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS), State Fiscal, Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS), as well as the Electronic Government Procurement System (e-GP), The state government policies have led to the commendations made by the Federal Ministry of Finance and the World Bank.

He added: “The World Bank awarded us a grant of $5 million for the implementation of reforms that align with world best practices in procurement, the Annual Auditor General’s Report, and other fiscal reforms in the state.”

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