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Saudi Arabia Calls For Establishment Of Global Humanitarian Aviation Council

SAUDI Arabia on Tuesday called for the establishment of a Global Humanitarian Aviation Council ,the Saudi Press Agency reported

At the second day of the Future Aviation forum held in Riyadh, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah proposed to the council to facilitate and protect humanitarian aid transported by air.

Al Rabeeah, who is the supervisor general of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center highlighted the need for the council to bring the aviation community, humanitarian organisations and governments together.


According to the proposal, all programs of the council should be protected by international humanitarian law.

He added that the council should help facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid by ensuring unrestricted access to airports, air corridors, and refueling facilities for aid-carrying aircraft.

He stressed that this will eliminate all fees and taxes imposed on aircraft transporting aid and simplifies the aid delivery process.

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