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Polish Man Freed From DRC Prison After Espionage Charges

THE authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have released a Polish man, Mariusz Majewski, who was recently sentenced to life in prison on espionage charges, Poland’s foreign minister announced Tuesday.

Radek Sikorski shared the news on the social media platform X, confirming that Majewski was back in Europe. Sikorski posted a brief video showing him apparently speaking with Majewski over the phone, welcoming him back. The exact location of Majewski was not disclosed.


The 52-year-old Majewski was detained by Congolese forces in February. He faced a military court in the volatile Central African nation and was accused of spying. Last week, he received a life sentence. Details about his detention location were not released.

Poland’s Foreign Ministry has consistently protested Majewski’s innocence. Last week, President Andrzej Duda spoke with Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi, urging him to secure Majewski’s release.

Despite the lack of a Polish diplomatic mission in Congo, efforts to free Majewski were persistent. Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Pawel Wronski emphasised Majewski’s innocence, stating, ‘He is not a spy, he is a member of a travelers club and was just following his passion in life.’

Wronski attributed Majewski’s predicament to a series of coincidental circumstances and a lack of knowledge of local customs. Earlier this month, the Congolese army claimed it had thwarted a coup attempt and arrested the perpetrators, including some foreigners. Several U.S. citizens were reportedly among those detained.

With Majewski’s release, Poland successfully concluded a delicate diplomatic effort, reinforcing its commitment to protecting its citizens abroad.

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