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Osarodion Ogie: An Unblemished Political Entity; A Clean And Perfect Soul For The office Of DG

Osarodion Ogie has paid his dues in the annals of Edo politics; today, he stands tall and unchallenged as the most decorated political entity in Edo; a public servant with an unblemished track record now greatly desired by the vast majority of Edo people to deputize Asue Ighodalo.

And as the September Edo governorship poll fast-approaches, it is sweet to say that Osarodion Ogie’s Ikpoba-Okha is already sealed for AiO²; while others sleep on the couch and jolificate, Osarodion Ogie alongside his lieutenants, stays awake, dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s” for a perfect outing.

Ogie has vowed to pull the highest electoral votes for the AiO² project this September, a promise he must fulfill; Ogie, an unblemished promise-keeper; calm, calculated, noiseless, strategic, a goal-getter, whose political and cultural affiliations transcends the political permutations of a natural man.


Since Ogie’s inclusion in the project, the AiO² movement has no doubt, gained significant traction, the movement is now more confident and sure of sweet victory; no doubt, Asue Ighodalo and Osarodion Ogie are the most formidable and perfect combo we could ever have since 1999.

Osarodion Ogie enjoys an extraordinary public acceptability, skilled in policy development, implementation, exposed in contemporary administrative principles, competent in rallying relevant individuals for tough jobs, a teacher, a leading light, a directional lamplight, whose counsel suffices in balancing political permutations in Edo.

Ogie cuts his teeth as an excellent administrator, he is one to draw near when delving into a new phase of life as public policy and administration; Osarodion Ogie possesses the wherewithal to work alongside Asue Ighodalo to sustain existential legacies and build solidified structures for improved economic and infrastructure turnover for Edo.

A major asset, tireless, focused, determined, who continues to maintain a very productive rapport with the Edo public.

Osarodion Ogie has built a political institution that transcends his Ikpoba-Okha and Edo South, from all corners of Edo, Ogie remains the first port of call when the issue of political stability takes centrestage.

As Chief of Staff, Commissioner, Ogie put his nose to the grindstone, opening wide his gates for public entry, making his abode a veritable avenue for strategic engagement; as Secretary to Government, Ogie has had to take up most rigorous assignments, balancing Edo’s political equations, defending, protecting the State’s political landscape, Ogie has had to at various times, overlap in the development and implementation of developmental policies that has seen Edo stand tall amongst States with functional developmental indices.

A principal contributor to the gains of the Obaseki-led administration; as this administration winds up, Ogie will be remembered as a true and loyal soldier, who stood unapologetically with his government and State, against all odds, a boisterous cv he brings to the table as deputy governor, November onward, God-willing.

The Edo governorship poll of September means a lot of things to Edos; one of which is an ample opportunity to preserve and sustain existential reforms, the September poll serves equally a tool to carry-on the ideals of reforms and innovative governance, it also emboldens the unity of Edo people in advancing the cause of good-governance as enunciated by the Obaseki-led administration for which Osarodion Ogie plays frontline role.

And as we approach the enthronement of a new administration November this year, Ogie will be playing a more strategic role now as deputy governor, he will be working side-by-side Asue Ighodalo to further develop Edo’s infrastructure and economic potentialities, expanding the frontiers of our State for increased industrialization.

Considering the cognate experience Osarodion Ogie has garnered over the years, the justiceable tendencies he continues to exhibit, and the equity and fairness posture he wears, all these put together, alongside his skillset, making him an unblemished political entity, a clean and perfect soul, unmistakably configured for the office of deputy governor.

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