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Olumide Akpata’s Contributions To Edo State

Assessing Olumide Akpata's NBA presidency

Chris Ojeikere

Since we are in the season of taking census of contributions of the various candidates for the Edo State September 2024 governorship election, it would be essential to add Olumide Akpata’s own to the list. After all, it’s common knowledge that we are products of our antecedents. We can only give what we have. And Olumide Akpata has made some verifiable contributions!


The first major contribution to Edo State Olumide made then, as NBA Chairman, was to go and cause trouble in Kaduna State and drag Edo State’s name to the mud and disgrace. The question on lips was, where is he from? He created so much trouble there that the then Kaduna State Governor , Mallam El – Rufai locked up where Olumide was and vowed he was not going to leave the State. He had put himself in real jeopardy. It took the intervention of the Edo kingdom to rescue him from that big mess.

He would finish from Kaduna and from NBA to return to Edo State; this time as a Labour Party member to contest for the seat of Governor or so Labour Party and Edo citizens thought. But Olumide had far more comprehensive plans than just being Governor, which he finds not boisterous enough for his vandalistic psyche. So, this Bull in a China’s Shop rams himself into the Party in Edo State, and begins to break down everything in sight!

Before he joined the Party, Edo State was fondly referred to as the Headquarters of the Obedient Movement; a highly motivated and organised set of believers in prevailing ideals binding them together. Olumide Akpata must have scoffed at such fanciful naivety!

So, he bares his fang about his more comprehensive agenda which included to destroy a fellow Edo man, Julius Abure, from being the National Chairman of the Party and ensure Abure is chased out, before his tenure ends. He got Julius Abure to be dragged on the floor like a common criminal in his own home State. He then went ahead to
decimate the Party in the State and shredded it to factional pieces.
Today he presides over one of the faction with glee because they are the willing recipients of the many lies he feeds to them!

In the meantime, while waiting to finish up the Party , the pugnacious Olu lands at the University of Benin and throws the entire University community into a turmoil; causing riots, mayhem, pains and tears!? He rushed to release a video shortly after then to boast of how difficult he is as a person! Everywhere this character goes, there is turbulence and vanishing of peace! Great contributions to Edo State, won’t you say? Let us Clap for Olu!

To be known as a nasty trouble maker would be bad enough reputation for any man. How much worse to add an impulsive lying habit to that reputation. But Olumide seems very determined to achieve a very sour and notorious reputation for himself. The man goes to the Palace of our Royal Father, His Royal Majesty, to lie to an international audience. The very first time he goes to the Palace, was to go and lie and apologize! Everyone is taught protocol when you are going to appear before monarchies all over the world. But what does impulsive care about that? Olu must talk, even when has nothing to say! The result would therefore always be a lie!

Lately, the attention seeking factional candidate gathered a group of his faction in a viral video to lie yet again to them. He told them that there was no distributor of Nigeria Brewery in Edo State. He said he hasn’t seen any one. And this is despite his many street parades. Anyway, life is difficult for the blind! So, we do sympathize with his optical challenges. However, by the time he regains his sight, let him look around him and he will see NBL products everywhere in Edo State being sold by Edo State distributors. In fact, we have the top distributor in NBL products on 345 Siluko Road, Benin City. The woman’s name is Christiana Emuale. Her business name is Chrisemua & Sons Nig Ltd. She is large enough even for the blind like Olumide, to see!

Lastly, we noticed that Olumide Akpata really love street parades and shows, especially along with our young girls and some boys. While we realise that he needs to shed some weight and flabbiness, however, we cannot but wonder sometimes: that, if we put him under the same roof with those girls can he manage them? Can he?

Anyway we are glad that the Obedient Movement in Edo State has quickly saved its integrity and political future by publicly declaring full support for Asue Ighodalo for the September election. They have abandoned the strange contributions of Olumide the bully!

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