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Nigerians Need To Work With President Bola Tinubu For Desirable Economy

IN the middle of this present chronic issues surrounding our dear Nigeria, we are yet to get some of the intellectuals questioned and interviewed. Good government must summon intellectuals for public opinions, analyses, suggestions and recommendations on things that can make a state forward and governable. It is by thoroughly working on demanding issues. Because, a government is the most insightful organization to identify gifts and talents of her citizens who have demonstrated themselves in past and in present – as a good government must initiate possible ways to deal with economic and security matters to set standards for living.

A lot of things happening is because of the slight division of interests by some of our politicians. And, if truly the politicians which the people have overlaboured themselves to see them on throne are for the citizens, it is the best time the Atikus, Obis, Kwankwasos and the rest, come together to move the country forward. Blaming the incumbent government shouldn’t be endlessly inclined, but of proffering solutions. Honestly, the citizens have done for these movements. It is time the citizens need compensation. So, we should go away from fighting Mr. President and the APC government. Therefore, extensive reviews must be conducted by our intellectuals so as to do the needful and necessities. Our politicians within the APC and other political parties must work with president Tinubu to bring the beauty of “Renewed Hope Agendas”. It is the best time we stop complaining and to work together for the betterment of our dear Nigeria.

Former heads of states and presidents need to have a reconciliatory committee to ensure these groups come in terms with one another with loudable rewards. After that, our intellectuals at home and abroad should be invited for economic review; our wealthy Nigerians should contribute financially; our religious leaders to work on peace and collaborative spirits and many more. As a matter of urgency, online medium should be created to communicate one another due to factors of personal engagements. However, there is no singular reason that can credit someone who fails to attend to his or her family in critical time like this.


Our journalists, academia, innovators and activists must get ready to do more in order to have a progressive nation. Misinformation and misrepresentation of information is the mother of societal destruction. Until we learn how to resourcefully manage our information, we barely understand our score of economy and security – the two vitals of societal workings. So, we must learn how to manage information for and against the present government.

Definitely, I do urge our youths to make patriotic criticisms which are constructed with solutions and not baseless criticisms that can plug our dear Nigeria into a laughable and unrest state. Hence, collective bargaining and ideologies of the youths when channeled appropriately, would help the government and citizens. If we don’t work together in peace and unity, the good Nigeria we ever desire wouldn’t come to stay on time. I do know the powers of youths and that is why, I have ever advocated for youth inclusion in government. I am certain, this government would make the way as the youths are committed to work closely with the government for the comfort and advantage of Nigerians.

Our problems are within. It is better we tackle it together. We must learn to do our own things now. Nigeria is one of the most hated nations due to our surplus natural resources. So, no nation is ready to help us make economic alignments without exploitation. Politics and religion can’t help us manage these, except humanity and technology. We should give prime concerns to these so we have human and infrastructural growths and developments in this time of economic shutdown.

Now that everything is accompanied with high prices, our religious leaders must continue to preach endurance, peace and unity to their members – they should teach them how though times don’t last. Our political leaders must cut expenses on things that couldn’t speak good to human and infrastructural developments. Our political leaders must not keep distance and disconnection from the poor masses. And, our political leaders must show and talk how they are seriously working ways to curb present sufferings. If the steps to curb this is apprehendable, the promissory future would encourage and force angry citizens to exercise patience. Additionally, I do encourage my dear Nigerians to dwell in peace, unity, courage and efforts even in the middle of our sufferings. Certainly, and sooner than later, we would have our desirable Nigeria.

Our community leaders are encouraged to preach humility, endurance and morals to villagers. Insecurity which is one of the dangerous effects on agriculture must be addressed. Preaching of love which should highlights needs to be to kind and generous to one another, and harmless to one another is so paramount at the time. Hence, it is needed to destabilize antagonistic groups that terrorize humans and properties in societies.

If we can achieve the above highlighted points, Nigeria is fast moving to a standard state. Note; agriculture, electricity, technology, roads and companies should be given maximal attention. Then, schools and churches should be regulated in order not to keep plenty graduates unemployed and keep religionists lazy – as handiwork and diligent cover educational workings and love, obedience and orderliness cover religious workings. Together, we can do this easily and cheaply.

Good bless our dear Nigeria and the patriotic citizens.

Idegu Ojonugwa Shadrach, Nigerian Author, Activist and Journalist.

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