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Nigerian National Assembly (NASS), A Hotbed Of Corruption

THE assertion made by Olufemi Adegbulugbe, a member of the Federalist Majority, on March 14, 2024, paints a grim picture of the Nigerian National Assembly (NASS) as a hotbed of corruption, likening its members to a group of unarmed pen robbers. Adegbulugbe highlights the alarming proliferation of projects in the 2024 budget, totaling a staggering N2.24tn, a trend that has seemingly worsened since the 10th National Assembly.

According to Adegbulugbe, these projects lack national significance and are instead tailored to serve personal interests rather than the greater good of the nation.

Under the leadership of Tinubu, federal lawmakers purportedly saw a drastic increase in their allocation from N197 billion to N344 billion, marking an unprecedented high in the history of the National Assembly. The outlined budget allocations reveal what Adegbulugbe describes as ridiculous line items, including allocations for a NASS Printing Press, NASS Library, NASS Library Book Procurement, NASS e-library, Senate Car Park, Reps Car Park, NASS Recreation Center, and NASS Hospital Project, with staggering amounts attached to each.


Adegbulugbe further scrutinizes the budget, pointing out duplications in line items and raising questions about the exorbitant costs associated with certain projects, such as the car parks and the NASS Hospital Project. He argues that the allocation for the NASS Hospital Project alone could have been used to construct primary healthcare centers in every Local Government area in Nigeria, casting doubt on the necessity of such a project given the existence of the State House Clinic/Hospital already available for NASS members.

The revelation of a significant increase in NASS’s allocation, amidst a deficit-financed budget and soaring inflation rates, underscores the gravity of the situation. Adegbulugbe contends that these allocations lack strategic alignment and serve only the selfish interests of NASS members, who seemingly award contracts to companies they own.

In light of these revelations, Adegbulugbe poses the question: Where do we go from here? He asserts that the appointment of Akpabio, a figure marred by corruption allegations, as Senate President, was a deliberate move by President Tinubu to institutionalize corruption within the National Assembly. Adegbulugbe laments the transformation of lawmakers into contractors solely focused on looting the treasury, expressing shame at being associated with the NASS and calling into question President Tinubu’s intentions for Nigeria.

In summary, Adegbulugbe’s statement which is supported by Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor (FoNS) otherwise known as Ultimate Equal paint a damning picture of the NASS under APC leadership, branding it a “HAVEN OF CROOKS,” and underscores the urgent need for reform to address rampant corruption and restore integrity to Nigeria’s legislative institution.

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