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Crime Watch

Man Docked For Allegedly Stealing Generator Set From Church

A 21-year-old man, Majesty Ibrahim, was on Friday docked in a Magistrates’ Court in Zuba,  for allegedly stealing an industrial generator from the Nation Dominion Deliverance Ministry, Anagada, Abuja.
The police charged the defendant with criminal conspiracy and theft.
The prosecution counsel, Chinedu Ogada told the court that Mr Muazu Yakubu of the Nation Dominion Deliverance church reported the matter at Zuba Police Station on April 20.
 Ogada said that the defendant and three others, at large trespassed on the church premises and stole one industrial generator, laptop camera and items all worth N2 million.
The offence, he said, contravened the provisions of sections 97 and 287 of the Penal Code.
The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty.
The defence counsel, Geraldine Amah applied for the bail of the defendant citing Sections 158 and 162 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA), urging the court to grant bail.
Magistrate Abdullaziz Ismail admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N1 million with one surety whom must reside within the court’s jurisdiction.
Ismail said the surety must produce means of identification and adjourned the case until May 23 for hearing. (NAN)

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