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Edo 2024: Godwin Obaseki’s Haters And The Burden Of Myopia, By Chris Ojeikere

AS the reality of the onerous task of winning the 2024 gubernatorial election in Edo State fully settles in on the political parties in contest for the seat, it has quite naturally Unsettled the All Progressive Congress (APC), who are caught napping and on the wrong foot at this critical stages of preparing for an election of such magnitude and importance.

First, the APC, had maintained a deceitful facade of unity prior to the Party’s primary selection ; covering their rotten innards with subterfuges about Governor Obaseki and his “MoUs,” which they had no capacity to understand, nor are they yet able to do as we write. Well, it is always a question of time before covered lies are exposed to public glare. And this was not different!

At length, it was time for Party primaries in the State. Whereas that the PDP conducted the best primary election in the political history of this nation since 1999, the APC could only serve us with a ridiculous and demeaning charade of boju boju primaries. They could only manage a primary that the more you looked, the less you saw. They brought in a Governor who rose to notoriety by inverting democracy; manipulating fourth position to number one in public glare, assisted by the graceless help of the Chairman of his Party then, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole. They brought the crooked veteran to conduct a most disgraceful electoral malfeasance with bold face, and went ahead to announce an alleged local and international fraudster as APC’s party flag bearer for the election.


Edo was stung and stunned! Their disastrous electoral heist was so catastrophic that two prominent Edo State known politicians hurriedly ran away from the political scene of shame. Yet, shamelessly, this Party without rudder went to Abuja to be told who to announce as their flag bearer. They came home to organised a so called rerun only in their deceitful imagination. Even the product of the un-rerun cannot tell you where it took place till today.

After all this political parody, you would think this obtuse Party will now be careful to select, since they are quite incapable of ELECTION, select at least, NORMAL Edo people as their flag bearer for the September election. But what do we get? You can’t believe it! We are being saddled with a duo that are so incongruous to the times and seasons in enlightened Edo State today, you would think their Party are actually setting them up for public ridicule, because that’s all they have elicited so far.

The first one, whose evident obtuse mental process is only surpassed by his linguistic confusion and drudgery , seems so wired and fixated with the past politics of President and party leaders patronage, that his only achievement so far is a reminder of the nightmares of our recent past that we so fear to repeat. The second in command was publicly indicted by an administrative panel set up by the Edo State government presided over by former Governor Comrade Oshiomhole then. And he is yet to respond to that indictment . That’s not to mention the dense allegations surrounding him of being a local and an international fraudster; an allegation he responds to with juvenile threats of court summons. A man who has not responded to an administrative panel indictment of the State he wants to govern wants legal redress from same State’s judiciary! What audacious arrogance!

These two tainted throwbacks are what APC is pithing against the excellent, enlightened, brilliant and unique combination of industry and establishment, Dr Asue Ighodalo esq and Osarodion Ogie esq. respectively.

So, you can now begin to understand why a tiny minority of bigoted APC members, who have the ability to see the fatal future for the party in the September election, have very deep seated hatred for Governor Obaseki . They cannot forgive GO for ushering in the Age of Enlightenment into Edo political narrative. And raised the bar of governance far beyond the reach of charlatanism!

The revolution is sweeping; ushering them out of the Edo political space, and by the help of God, when the PDP swears in Dr Ighodalo and Osarodion Ogie in November, the fatality to their fortunes could only just be imagined. So, they have to come up with a strategy, though a dumb one of hate Governor Obaseki as usual. This is meant to keep them in activity till the fatal reality sets in again in September. Do you not wonder why they are expending sich massive energy fighting a Governor, whose tenure is now only a matter of calendar numerals? Is Governor Obaseki on the ballot?

They are totally bereft of the new climate and language of development in Edo State . They cannot comprehend the language of reforms, of high profile investments, of technology and of strategic planning. They are lost to massive road network constructions across the State. They have no response to massive investment profile in technology, in Agriculture in commerce, in industries, in energy. They do no research, they ask no questions, they investigate nothing.They are so blind, they cannot see the bright street lights from the Edo Independent Power Plant. It’s sad for this lot, because Life is indeed difficult for the blind! Especially when that blindness is caused by an Obasekiphobia.

APC should be counselled to try very hard to live with the burden of their misadventure in being unable to find normal, law abiding and educated Edo people within their ranks to bear their flag. They cannot hide their mediocrity and deficiencies in dragging us to fights, at the time the Edo electorate are demanding issue based campaigns, display of competencies from antecedents, and communicative skills. Every one knows how language deficiency impede communication.

One of their bitterest championship even went as far as saying this election is about Obaseki and Edo people. Really!? This Advocacy for Obaseki’s third term must really be flattering. But thanks Advocate, PDP is a democratic party. We stay with the Constitution!

Also, the last time I check, I didn’t see any invitation to Governor Obaseki to Benson Idahosa University Forum. Certainly it was not Obaseki that kept Monday away from the Forum on a Monday? Edo people know why Monday Okpebholo is dodging them. If you don’t know, get the recent clip of my good friend on ITV. My friend, now an erstwhile APC chieftain , an esquire of no mean cognitive facility, has escaped from the APC because he could no longer continue with the attempt by that Party to regress Edo State back to Egypt by planning to instal mediocrity on one hand and an alleged target of Justice on the other hand. It’s a lose – lose situation for APC!

So, it’s pointless trying to drag Governor Obaseki into your burdens dear APC. You have got to admit that you didn’t know when the Edo bus of Edo progress took off. Your only option now is to play catch up. I really don’t envy your debacle right now!

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