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ECOWAS Parliament Adopts Draft Rules Procedure Of 6th Legislature

THE ECOWAS Parliament on Wednesday adopted the draft Rules of Procedure of the sixth Legislature.

The legslation followed the conclusion of debate and amendment of the report of the ad hoc committee.


Addressing the session, the first Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Sen. Barau Jibrin said adoption of the Strategic Plan (2024 – 2028) of the sixth Legislature of ECOWAS Parliament would guide  programmes and activities of the parliament.

According to him, the strategic plan is a framework for guiding programmes and activities of the parliament for the current legislative term.

Barau described the strategic plan as a road map that served as beacon guiding the parliament efforts towards realising a more prosperous, peaceful and inclusive West Africa.

The Draft Annual Work Plan, he said, would also serve as a guideline for effective service delivery.

According to him, the priorities of the ECOWAS Parliament include Enhancing Peace and Stability, Ensuring Economic Integration and Social Inclusion among others.

Speaking on the adopted document, the Secretary General of the ECOWAS Parliament, Mr Bertin Some said the Strategic Plan of the sixth Legislature had covered all thematic areas, adding that it is subject to review when the need arise.

He said the parliament would contribute immensely towards the realisation of objectives in the face of the various challenges confronting the region.

He also emphasised the importance of collaboration among members to achieve its aims and objectives.

Mrs Fanta Conte of the Guinea; Orlando Dias of the Cape Verde and Zainab Gimba from Nigeria in their seperate contributions, advocated for adherence to the implementation of the Strategic Plan for effective service delivery.

They also called for unity beyond differences to work towards producing concrete results and ensuring prosperity and peace for the West African region. (NAN)

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