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Court Grants Man Divorce Over Wife’s Saucy Behaviour

An Area Court in Centre-Igboro, Ilorin on Friday, granted a divorce request of Abdulrasaq Aleniboro, over his wufe, Mariam Suleiman’s saucy behaniour.

The presiding Judge, Hammad Ajumonbi said that according to Sharia, a man had unquestionable right to divorce, but must fear Almighty Allah in his dealings with his wife.

Ajumonbi ordered Suleiman to observe three months iddah(waiting) period before remarrying.


The court awarded custody of the only child of the marriage to the respondent, while the petitioner have unrestricted access to the child, but at reasonable time.

“The petitioner shall be pay N30,000 for the child’s feeding and upkeep. You will also to pay N20,000 for three consecutive months, for feeding of the respondent during her iddah period.

“The petitioner shall be responsible for the child’s education, medical services and welfare,” the court ordered.

Earlier, the petitioner told the court that he was no longer interested in the marriage.

“She is not organised, she is not friendly to my family and she fights in the neighbourhood.

”She has not respect for me. I tried to change her and even set up a business for her, but she could not manage the business due to her bad attitude, “ he said.

The respondent, said she was surprised by all the complains from the petitioner.

Iinitially, she insisted on staying in the marriage, saying that she can not leave her matrimonial home for anybody.

She later begged the court for settlement, following the judge’s explanation of a man’s right to divorce.

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