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100 Days in Office: Hawul LG Boss Declares State Of Emergency In Water, Health, Other Sectors

By Inusa Ndahi, Maiduguri

FOLLOWING acute water shortages faced by many communities in Hawul Local Government Area of Borno state, the Executive Chairman, Hon. Hussaini Malgwi has declared state of emergency in the sector, in which he embarked on Geological Survey (GS) at various locations to enable the council drill more boreholes to provide potable drinking water for human and animal consumption.


☝Hon Hussaini Malgwi teaching pupils at one of the Primary Schools in Hawul LGA despite his tight schedules.

☝Hon Hussaini Malgwi visit Sakwa Primary Health Centre to offer support.

☝Inspection of projects by Hon Hussaini Malgwi in Hawul LGA.

☝☝Ongoing repairs of one of the boreholes by Hon Hussaini Malgwi led- administration

☝One of the communities in Hawul LGA fetching water from one of the repaired boreholes by Hon Hussaini Malgwi led- administration

☝ Executive Chairman of Hawul LGA, Borno State, Hon Hussaini Malgwi inspecting ongoing projects

The Chairman also declared state of emergency in health and Education sectors by visiting over 20 hospitals and health care centers, where he directed staff to provide much needed treatment, adding that drugs and other medical consumables would be procured and provided to carter for clients needs.

This was disclosed to Journalists yesterday in an interview with the Executive Chairman marking his 100 Days in office.

He added that his administration is collaborating with Borno State Contributory Health Care Management Agency (BOCHMA) to ensure universal health coverage.

In the Education sector, the Chairman said, since inception, he took his time to pay unscheduled visits to schools, where he voluntarily teach students periodically, even as all the roofs of classrooms blocks that were blown off by heavy winds and other climatic conditions have been renovated.

This is even as the Chairman who commended Governor Babagana Zulum for his support to the present administration said, the Council has released millions of naira for repair of a Generator at Hizhi Bwala Ward Mega borehole, in addition to motorized pump boreholes at Dunguma community of Marama / Kidang Ward, Ghuma Bulingwi Ward, Yimirshika and Kinging villages of Kida Ward, hand pumps in Chata and Mbulatawiwi villages of Gwanzang Ward as well as Sakwa Bura village in Sakwa / Hema Ward.

Also repaired include Boreholes in Shaffa Mandaba, Shaffa Central Mosque, Bamjikil, Tashan Alade, Kwarki and many communities in Shaffa, Kwajaffa/Harang Wards.

Hon Malgwi said, ‘Water is Life’, adding that his administration gave much priority to provision of access to clean water across all the 12 Wards, as even he said, cement wells ponds were not left out to improve upon livestock and fish farming.

His words: ” As you are all aware that our ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in Borno won all the 27 Chairmanship and 312 councillor positions during the Council polls which took place precisely on 20th January 2024, I therefore did waste time but to hit the ground running by consolidated on the achievements put in place by my Predecessor.

“When I assumed office, firstly, i declared state of emergency in many sectors, especially Water sector, by embarking on Geological Survey (GS) at various locations to enable the council drill more boreholes to provide potable drinking water for human and animal consumption.

” I have to commend His Excellency, Governor Professor Babagana Zulum for his support to the present administration. This support gave the Council an upper hand where we released millions of naira and repaired a Generator at Hizhi Bwala Ward Mega borehole, in addition to repairs of motorized pump boreholes at Dunguma community of Marama / Kidang Ward, Ghuma Bulingwi Ward, Yimirshika and Kinging villages of Kida Ward, hand pumps in Chata and Mbulatawiwi villages of Gwanzang Ward as well as Sakwa Bura village in Sakwa / Hema Ward.

“Also repaired include Boreholes in Shaffa Mandaba, Shaffa Central Mosque, Bamjikil, Tashan Alade, Kwarki and many communities in Shaffa, Kwajaffa/Harang Wards.

“Water is Life, and that is why my administration gave much priority to provision of access to clean water across all the 12 Wards. We have also repaired many cement wells and ponds to improve upon livestock and fish farming.

“We have also repaired or and connected the Chairman quarters with the national grid, renovated the blown off block of classrooms at Sakwa primary school among others, as well as the ongoing construction of Fire Service Office at Azare Hawul LGA Headquarters.

“The Education sector is not also left out, as we have provided logistical support to the West African Examination Council (WAEC) office at Hawul, as well as embarked on Physical Assessment (PA) of all primary schools and health clinics, in which, all problem identified is now properly receiving government’s attention and intervention.

” Since inception, I have visited over 20 hospitals and health care centers, and during my visits, I have directed staff to provide much needed treatment, as drugs and other medical consumables would be procured and provided to carter for clients needs, infact, my administration is collaborating with Borno State Contributory Health Care Management Agency (BOCHMA) to ensure universal health coverage.

“Hawul is an agrarian community, and we are also working in synergy with the state and federal government to provide timely fertilizers and other farming inputs to our people before the rainy season set in”. Malgwi stated.

He therefore appealed to his people to be patience and give their support and cooperation to the present administration that is committed in improving the quality of living of all and sundry. End

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