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What Went Wrong: The North East Sub-region Should Wakeup From Thier Slumper

THE role of electricity supply to the development of any society which Borno State is not an exception cannot be relegated to the background.

The case of Maiduguri has been different in recent period, as there have been series of cases of vandalisation of Yola Electricity Distribution Company and Transmission Company of Nigeria (YEDC/TCN) properties.

This has resulted to blackout within the state and has contributed to the increase in prices of certain goods. Despite these destruction, it has been repaired on different instances which gulped a huge sum of money. Funds which was suppose to by used for a different purpose that could improve lives.


Now, the destruction has taken a different dimension as it has extended from Maiduguri-Yobe-Jos towers which supplies electricity to the North East states. Currently, Maiduguri, Jos, Adamawa etc are facing blackout. However, these quantum of destruction of these properties has question the level of the stakeholders patriotism.

Therefore, Traditional, community leaders, meaningful stakeholders must have to rise up from their Slumber as this is beyond ordinary thinking.

Economically, this will gradually cripple the economy of the region because, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs which are considered as engine of growth will not strive.

Industries will produce below their capacity and as such, output will decline, and by default, price will rise, consumption, savings, investment will fall, unemployment will rise, middle income individuals will vanish, poverty and hunger will become the order of the day.

Politically, it will serve as a constraints to political leaders in the realisation of their campaign promises, political participation will decline as it will degenerate to lack of trust between the leaders and the led.

By so doing, there is the need for the people of this region to improve their level of patriotism and to take government property as their there own.

More so, there is need to constitute an intelligent squad so as to unravel the perpetrators behind this or before it’s too late as it’s often said “a stitch in time saves nine”
Thank you.

*Hon. Yusuf Adamu, Borno state APC Chieftain.

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