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We Launch “We You Project” In Kano To Promote Youths, Women, Inclusion In Politics, Says Babafunje Fagbemi

THE Executive Director, Centre for Communication and Social Impact, Babafunke Fagbemi has said that until Women and Youths are given the ample opportunity to partake in active politics the system will continue to experienced stagnation.
Country Director Ene Obi delirvering her Speech at the Launching of “We You Project” in Kano
Fagbemi who made the disclosure at the opening of the Media Launch of WE -You Project with hashtag Hope, Action and Progress on Wednesday held at Tahir Guest Palace said youth and Women have a critical role to play in shaping democracy in Nigeria.
” Today we are all privileged to be part of the launch of the project called WE-YOUPRO. As stated in the name, the project is about everybody collectively and individually.  It is a very important project, that is seeking to give political voice to a very special demography in our Country, but which has been neglected: Women and Youths.
She said according to the United Nations, a youth is “a person between the ages of 15-24 years,” this is “without prejudice to the definition by member states.”
However, the new Youth Policy of the Federal Government has defined a youth as “a Nigerian Citizens between the ages of 18 to 29 years.”We therefore have the largest demography of our population, left out without political voice, but according to data constitute the highest number in our population.
 Fagbemi  said In Nigeria, women participation in politics is not proportionate to the over 45% of the nation’s population which they represent and this has not translated into equal representation in political leadership positions.
Similarly, the Nigerian youths are faced with several barriers hindering their participation in politics and governance. However, the recent “Not too Young to Run” bill has provided a chance for the youth to contest for electoral positions and be recognized in the electoral sphere in Nigeria. Yet, there is still a vast gap in the participation of youths in the Nigerian political space.
Several factors have been identified to be responsible for the poor participation of youths in politics and they include financial constraint, lack of skills and the lack of understanding of the benefits of youth engagement in the policy and program of action by the Nigerian government.
This is why the campaign for inclusion of women and young people in political and governance processes (WE-YOU PRO) is focused on inclusion of women and young people in political and governance processes in Nigeria. The campaign is targeted at mobilizing a critical mass of young people and women who will lead disruptive campaigns towards translating citizens’ demands into policy actions to contribute to an inclusive and responsive democratic process and outcomes through citizens led actions towards 2023 general elections in Nigeria.
The target audiences for this campaign are Women and Youth. However, we shall also be talking to the influencers, the political and opinion leaders at both state and local government levels, we have the political parties in our radar and finally our able men, our husbands, and we will need your support as well.So why do we need the media?
The fourth estate of the realm is the only profession that has a constitutional duty enshrined in the Nigerian constitution. Moreover, we all know that the media has the voice that would amplify our messages from this hall to the very grassroots and inside homes.Gentlemen of the press, you are a critical stakeholder in this project, in the course of this campaign, we will be equipping you with the critical skills you need to report factually and effectively.
“We will also be carrying you along in all the grassroots programmes that we will be doing in all our focal states on this project.Finally, the theme of this campaign is “Hope, Action and Progress for Women and Youths in Politics,” is depicted by the all popular schema of a traffic light with the red, amber and green colors urging us to stop, get ready and act.
Every sector represented here today does have a role to play. This theme has been carefully selected to reflect our aspirations and our determination to get results out of this campaign. We are counting on everyone here to make this a reality. “Vote early, and vote often.” Al Capone“Young people need to vote. They need to get out there.”
 Finally ” Every vote counts. Educate yourself too. Don’t just vote. Know what you’re voting for, and stand by that.” Nikki Reed13 Aug 2014 — “For me, a better democracy is a democracy where women do not only have the right to vote and to elect but to be elected.” Verónica Michelle Bachelet. Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria is a Chilean politician who has served as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights since 2018.Thank you once again for your esteemed presence.”
In his Remaks the Emir of Kano Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero described project is timely given the role of the  youths and Women as occupying special position in the Nation’s political space .
” We are quite confident that the project will help spur the youths to act positively in politics by coming out em masse to vote for credible leadership come 2023.
On her part,  the Country Director  of Action Aid in Nigeria Mrs Ene Obi said ” We are going to look critically at what is blocking youths and Women from participating actively in politics  . We will be ready to sponsor the young people to be part of the political process.
The youths to take sensitive positions exercise their franchise. Work against the misconceptions on Women participation in politics.

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