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Turkish Airline Aircraft Engine Parks Up Midway Into Flight, Forced To Return By Passengers Two Hours After Traumatizing Experience (VIDEO)

ITALY bound Turkish Airline aircraft was forced to return back to Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos Nigeria after the aircraft engine parked up as the air conditional and fans inside the aircraft failed to function, has learned.
A passenger on board the aircraft bemoaned the shabby manner in which Nigerian citizens are being made the laughing stock, globally.
“We were under this situation for two hours then they moved the flight but we protested that the flight be stop and turn around before the captain then return us back to MMA where they later fix the engine before taking us off.
“You could imagine the risk they wanted to take us through if we didn’t speak up.
“Nigeria government should wake up and make sure only sound aircraft are allowed to carry our citizens out of our airport?”, a visibly angry passenger last night told aviation correspondent in Lagos.
You will recalled that President Muhammadu Buhari promised to kickstart Nigeria National carrier six years ago with the twelve aircrafts in the presidential fleet, a promise that is never fulfilled to date.

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