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Re: How Governor Obaseki And Asue Ighodalo Have Underdeveloped Edo With Monumental Fraud

I read a press release with the above heading attributed to the acting Chairman of the Edo State Chapter of the APC and couldn’t just help but to be bewildered by this particular chairman who rather prefers to act drama than to face the real issues. Maybe someone should break down the English for him that when they say that you are an acting Chairman, it doesn’t mean you should act comically like Baba Suwe. Otherwise how do you comprehend that a Chairman that has not been able to communicate that programs and agenda of his barely educated candidate to the Edo people for the 2024 gubernatorial election suddenly appears like Sherlock Holmes bandying unsubstantiated figures around like a local olidara.

It is absolutely absurd and laughable that Emperor Jarrett Tenebe and the All Progressives Congress (APC) have resorted to unsubstantiated baseless and spurious allegations against Governor Godwin Obaseki administration and the Peoples Democratic Party candidate in the upcoming governorship election, Barr Asue Ighodalo and his running mate, Barr Osarodion Ogie of graft and misappropriation of public funds. These unfounded accusations are not only laughable but also an insult on the intelligence of Edo people whom the infantile conjecture of an unintelligent misrepresentation is intended to mislead.


The opposition’s spurious claims can be readily debunked by an objective and serious interrogation of the incontrovertible achievements of Governor Godwin Obaseki, which have significantly improved the lives of the people of Edo state.

Governor Godwin Obaseki has been acclaimed nationwide as a custodian of transparency in public administration and a stalwart in the fight against corruption and graft because of his implementation of numerous policies and initiatives to ensure transparency and accountability in the management of Edo state funds such as the E- governance and E- payments which has mitigated possible fraudulent transactions in government agencies.

It is palpably glaring that these allegations are nothing more than a desperate attempt by the APC to smear the impeccable gubernatorial conduct of Governor Obaseki in a bid to gain political relevance in an atmosphere where the party has lost touch with reality. It is disgraceful that they would stoop so low as to attempt to undermine the integrity and reputation of individuals who have worked tirelessly for the betterment of Edo state.

We dare the APC chairman to make public the documents he says they have receipt of. Why make noise without motion when you can’t prove anything. Maybe he should go and learn from Chief Dan Orbih how to be an effective opposition party. The APC would just wait for the election year to dawn on us before they suddenly remember that they are the opposition in Edo State.

The responsibility of the opposition is to provide an alternative to the ruling party and not wait for election season to lie to the Edo people ( a pattern that APC is obviously accustomed and proficient at – lying).

It is pertinent to note that these allegations have not been supported by any credible evidence or proof. It is irresponsible and reckless for Emperor Jarrett Tenebe and the APC to make such unfounded accusations without any substance to back them up. This kind of fear-mongering and deceitful tactics have no place in a modern democracy and should be roundly condemned.

Rev Olu Martins
Deputy Director General Media and Publicity
Asue/Ogie Campaign Management Council.

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