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Naira Appreciates To ₦1,500/$ In Parallel Market

Currency Dealers, Analysts List Factors Behind Naira's 23% Depreciation In 4 Days

ACCORDING to recent data from financial markets, the Nigerian Naira appreciated significantly yesterday in both the parallel market and the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEM).

In the parallel market, the Naira strengthened to ₦1,500 per US dollar, up from N1,525 on Monday.

This improvement in value reflects a significant recovery, easing some of the pressures faced by forex traders and businesses reliant on dollar transactions.


Simultaneously, in the NAFEM, often referred to as the official market, the Naira saw a robust appreciation.

Data from the FMDQ showed the indicative exchange rate for NAFEM dropped to ₦1,339.33 per dollar from a previous rate of ₦1,481.23, marking an appreciation of ₦141.9.

This substantial gain underscores a positive shift in forex supply dynamics and investor confidence in the Nigerian economy.

These movements have widened the margin between the rates in the parallel market and NAFEM significantly.

On Monday, the difference stood at ₦43.77, but with the latest rates, this margin has expanded to ₦160.67.

This disparity highlights the ongoing challenges in achieving forex rate unification, a goal the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has been striving towards amidst fluctuating global economic conditions.

The appreciation of the Naira comes amidst various macroeconomic measures and interventions by the CBN aimed at stabilizing the currency and enhancing liquidity in the foreign exchange market.

These efforts are part of broader economic reforms intended to bolster the economy, attract foreign investment, and stabilize the forex market.

Market analysts view these developments as a positive sign for the Nigerian economy but caution that sustained stability in the forex market depends on continued prudent economic policies and global economic factors. Investors and businesses are advised to stay informed of further financial updates as market conditions evolve.

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