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Kano Police Strategizes New Plans Against Thuggery

THE police in Kano state has re-strategise to curtail the activities of thugs in a renewed stands to fight  thuggery and  notorious thuggery kingpins that have been terrorizing the State, among them is One with a nitch in making cemetery his hide out.

The State commissioner of police, Muhammad Hussaini Gumel while briefing newsmen Thursday disclosed that his command has invited 16 most notorious thugs operating in the state with a view to dialogue with them and advise them to lay off their criminal life and repent.

Gumel, However, Said that “our eyes are now focusing on the emerging thuggery activities especially within Kano Metropolis. Going forward on this we have set out operational strategies with robust intelligence gathering on the early warning signs and our assets are already in place towards surmounting all forms of the underlying crimes and criminality around the state.”


Gumel stressed that the identified suspected thuggery Kingpins are by this Press Conference invited to report at the nearest Police Station or else they will be declared wanted and get them arrested at all costs.

CP Gumel unveil  list of the invited sixteen thugs comprising of:

1. Burakita of Dorayi Karama Quarters,

2. Messi of Kan Tudun Dala

3. Dan Boss of Dala Makabarta,

4. Ado Runtu of Tudun Fulani, Bachirawa Quarters

5. Baffa Killer of Mazaunar Tanko Quarters

6. Kamilu Duna of Adakawa Quarters

7. Chile Mai Doki of Tudun Fulani, Bachirawa Quarters

8. Uzaifa of Unguwar Yola Quarters

9. Hantar Daba of Kwanar Disu Quarters

10. Bahago of Makabarta Kuka Bulukiya Quarters

11. Nasiru Naso of Kofar Wambai Quarters

12.  Nazifi Nanaso of Zango Quarters

13. Sharu Gambo of Sharifai Quarters

14. Sharu Ali of Sharifai Quarters

15.  Ma’aruf Goma of Hanga Quarters

16. Zubairu Mai Dala of Yalwa Quarters Dala.

The commissioner of police, explain that the invitation is to encourage them for a smooth transition from their monster life to a noble and respectful human beings, warning that failure to honor the invitation will compel the police to use available means within the ambit of the law which might not be a tea party.

“If they turn themselves in, we’ll dialogue with them, if they accept to purify themselves and decides to have an immaculate life devoid of criminality then we can select our team of football players, they’ll select their own team and we will have a football match.”

He further warn that, if they chose to continue with their devilish life, his command is ever ready to confront the devil in them.

Gumel stressed that, his command has always use zero tolerance in dealing with the lawless and miscreants across the State which has become the hall mark of his command which is all geared towards provision of enabling peaceful dwelling ground for all citizens of Kano state.

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