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HURIDE Calls On Nigerians To End Bad Governance And President

THE human rights liberty access and peace defenders (Huride) has called on Nigerians to shine their eyes to know the governor’s and president who truly cares about the well fair of Nigerians in this hard time, in a statement issued to the press in Asaba over the weekend, comr Anthony Asakitikpi the south south acting chairman of huride stressed that this hardship is an ample opportunity for us to know the governor and president who truly cares about the well fair of his people,noting

That one good turn deserves another.
I here by call on all Nigerians to vote out any governor’s and president in the nest dispensation who don’t consider the interest of the suffering masses.Also
Pointing that our politicians loots and enriched themselves within four and eight years in governance to the detriment of the Nigerians.

NIGERIANS to end bad governors,end bad president,end bad government,end bad hunger and say no to clueless and cruel politicians,say no to vote buying where we mortgage our future with #10,000 for eight years vote selling.
I here by use this avenue as a clarion call to all Nigerians to wake up and vote out all the satanic agent bewitching the country.


Sign…Comr Anthony Asakitikpi Chairman Huride Delta/ South south zone.
@ 07081413615

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