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How Ala-ghodaro Produced Asue Ighodalo, By Chris Ojeikere

  • Advancing the trajectory of the Revolution beyond 2024

Dr Asue Ighodalo is poised to become the Governor of Edo State for the next four years from November of 2024, by the grace of God. The decision, by the nature of things, seems concomitantly inevitable and discernibly, Divine. I mean, after seven 7 years of grueling around a revolutionary concept that has engendered an absolutely high impact change in the entire fabric of Edo State life: economic, social and professional, it only follows, by the law of natural progression, that Alaghodaro should produce Asue Ighodalo. It was not for nothing that our forebears were so meticulous about choosing our names!

For seven tough years, this tough legal Advocate and Advisor of investment on Productive economy, sat atop the Board of Alaghodaro and, in a sense, came to epitomize that rallying philosophy and mantra for resetting Edo State from a defunct economy at the mercy of the reenter system, to an investment and production driven State.

The supreme objective of Alaghodaro being to rebirth a State capable of standing on its economic feet; independent of the paltry federal government hand- outs to States every quarter. The mandate also included ensuring the State is motivated to look inward and harness its latent potentials towards a growth trajectory that will inspire hope for the present and courage for the future. Also, to prove that its economic viability is proven to be sustainable in the long run; by the volume and, or quality of investments it is able to attract to itself!


Let us hear the Advocate himself. During the opening ceremony of the 7th Alaghodaro Summit, he told us:

“The Alaghodaro Summit came after 10 months of Governor Godwin Obaseki-led administration in 2017. He created the platform where top government functionaries, officials, heads of MDAs, and Permanent Secretaries, among others can interact with the private sector, business people, NGOs, and civil society groups. It is primarily to ensure we exchange ideas on the way forward for Edo people.” This then is what Alaghodaro has been for 7 years; a forum for Edo people to cross pollinate productive ideas. It has produced outstanding and astounding outcomes!

We have followed in 7 years how with passionate intensity, Alaghodaro has waded through all odds against developing Edo State. We have heard cynical and flippant naysayers’ say: “Obaseki na scam”. We have heard testy sarcasms and jeerings against ‘MOU’ signings. We have witnessed crass ignorance against innovative governance. Yet, Alaghodaro has today delivered on its mandate with impressive precision! Indeed, it is the irrepressible legacy of the Godwin Obaseki administration! It is also an eloquent testimony of the focussed resilience of its drivers, under the Captainship of Dr Asue Ighodalo esq.

Let us see some of Governor Obaseki legacy projects that relates to Alaghodaro. Edo State medical vintage we call Edo State School of Nursing Sciences, is a world class, State of the Art medical school with first rate learning infrastructure and personnel. Presently, it is in pole position to becoming a Nursing University. It is already a Nursing Polytechnic certified by NBTE. Alaghodaro is the two huge Ethanol Factories in Edo today; with the Ologbo one located at an even more stupendous Green Hill Farms that will produce the 400 metric tons of cassava the factory will process at full capacity. It is Alaghodaro that produced the Ossiomo Power Plant that is supplying electricity 24/7 to critical sectors of the Edo economy: Edo Industrial hub, the State Civil Service Secretariat, NUJ, Victor Uwaifo Creative Hub etc. We are also to hold Alaghodaro responsible for 2 Edo modular refineries, the Benin City Mall, the Agric Hub, Edo Tech Park, Golf Mews, MOWAA and all the other legacy projects of the Godwin Obaseki administration. All of them viable! All functionally producing at completion! And growing Edo State GDP exponentially. It must be added!

It might interest you to know that Alaghodaro has attracted over $4b into the Edo economy through these investments. The State has grown140%, from an economy of $10.6 billion to $25.8billion. While Baba Nigeria has grown only 4% percent in the same period under review!

So, as I said in my opening, it became naturally inevitable that a rallying philosophy that has such conveyor impact to pull a State in doldrums to such an elevation of viability should naturally pull along with it, the man on whom all of this is wrapped! After all, it is said for us to be careful about those we associate with for we soon become who they are. Asue Ighodalo has been associating with Alaghodaro for 7 years, and as a natural consequence, is now ‘ Ghodalo ‘ to Osadebe Avenue come November. Because as it has turned out: Asue Ighodalo has himself become the best product that Alaghodaro has produced QED!

Chris Ojeikere, Spokesperson, Asue Ighodalo and Osarodion Ogie Campaign Council

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