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GLPGP And ARDA Launch $1bn Fund For Clean Cooking In Africa

IN a groundbreaking initiative ahead of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa, the Global LPG Partnership (GLPGP) and the African Refiners and Distributors Association (ARDA) have unveiled plans to establish a $1bn fund dedicated to expanding clean cooking with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout Africa.

This ambitious venture seeks to accelerate the development of the LPG sector across Africa, leveraging ARDA members’ distribution networks and expertise alongside GLPGP’s policy and investment planning capabilities. The fund aims to drive significant private sector investment in both conventional LPG sector growth and the realisation of renewable LPG’s vast potential.


Kimball Chen, Executive Chairman of the Global LPG Partnership, emphasised the urgent need for clean cooking solutions, stating, ‘Over 2 billion people lack access to clean cooking solutions worldwide, leading to preventable health and economic repercussions. LPG not only offers a lifeline to millions but also paves the way for a greener, more sustainable future.’

Anibor Kragha, ARDA Executive Secretary, highlighted the persistent challenges in Africa, where 4 out of 5 people lack access to clean cooking. He stressed the pivotal role of LPG in achieving universal clean cooking access by 2030, citing LPG as the primary solution endorsed by the IEA.

Kragha emphasised, ‘Less than 30 percent of clean cooking plans in Africa are funded, despite LPG being responsible for 70 percent of recent clean cooking access gains. ARDA’s partnership with GLPGP aims to address this gap by mobilising $1bn in financing to scale up LPG adoption across the continent.’

The fund represents a critical step towards addressing health, economic, and environmental burdens associated with traditional cooking methods in Africa. By promoting LPG adoption at scale, the GLPGP and ARDA initiative aligns with global sustainability goals while advancing Africa’s energy security and transition to renewable solutions.

The launch of this fund underscores a shared commitment to transformative change, urging global leaders, institutional donors, and private stakeholders to prioritise decisive action in safeguarding lives, livelihoods, and the environment through clean cooking solutions.

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