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Ethiopia To Receive $200 Million Financial Assistance From World Bank: Official

ETHIOPIA is to receive $200 million in financial assistance from the World Bank, an Ethiopian official said Wednesday.

‘The funds will be used to build skilled manpower and boost the capacity of state-owned technical and vocational training institutes,’  Minister of Labour and Skills Development, Muferiat Kamil, said in a Facebook post.

Kamil said she held discussions with World Bank officials on ways to create high-quality job opportunities for Ethiopians. Both sides also held discussions relating to broad strategic ideas.


Ethiopia and the World Bank in May signed a financing agreement amounting to $300 million in support of the reconstruction and recovery of conflict-affected areas of Ethiopia. The amount, which is a grant, will be used to finance activities designed to support communities in conflict-affected areas to reaccess basic services of education, health and water supply. The projects will be implemented in selected districts of Ethiopia’s conflict-affected Amhara, Afar, Tigray, Oromia and Benishangul-Gumuz regional states

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