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Burying Nigerians In APC’s NEXT LEVEL (Poem)

Look, they are like totems in the belly of the the beast, waiting for their deaths

Slim images like unfinished plans to be wrapped in the womb of Next Level

These prisoners are known, they run a round evil shadows


In vain they shall remain hoping for the laughter that has been broken

For when the flower withal, there is nothing vain smiles can do about it

When your hero dies in the future

You are not the flower that lives forever
Your smile shall turn to tears and then you will realize that your sperm was watery to fertilize the egg shape

You shall be a virgin forest burnt to ashes
Your foremost beauty shall turn dry in the palms of your arms…and no alms for your dying stomach

You shall be a bright paradise turn dark, without looking lights

So pulse brother, sister pulse, listen to their propaganda, lies, sophistry, and sophisticated populist speeches.

Do not hate because they have told you to hate, do not spill bile because they have tampered with your head

Brother, before they kill you, check that you have forgiven yourself because when you die, you shall die in vain
…and be buried in the Next Level.


By Dele Elempe, Dec 09, 2020

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