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Buhari will take Nigeria to promised land, says Osinbajo

FREEPRESS – Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, has urged Nigerians to be of good courage, saying the present administration would take the country out of the current economic challenge.

At a church service in Abuja, yesterday, to mark Nigeria’s 56th independence anniversary, he said: “This leadership will take us across the Red Sea and take us to the new Nigeria. The promise of God to our nation is that He is building a new Nigeria; a Nigeria where there will be peace from the North East to the Niger Delta; a Nigeria where the economy will experience abundance and prosperity, where there will be job for the jobless; a Nigeria led by honest and committed leadership, where Christians, Muslims, men of different faiths and ethnic groups will live and work together in peace and harmony. We are on our way out of the wilderness to the land flowing with milk and honey.”

The economic recession is self-imposed. To surmount it, the government in power must look beyond its political party, seek the advice of experts and divine intervention, said president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Dr. Samson Ayokunle.


Ayokunle said Nigerian leaders have not been wise, like Biblical Pharaoh, who sought counsel on how to manage resources in a time of abundance. He said instead of investing, the country’s leaders squandered the resources and amassed wealth for themselves, at the expense of the land.

Speaking on ‘Wisdom that prevails over economic recession’, Ayokunle said: “Our leaders need divine revelation from God, to get the country out of the recession. We must come out of this situation. We can’t leave this as legacy for our children. The solution is not in one man and it is not limited to the Federal Executive Council.

“President Buhari must look beyond his political party and look for experts beyond Nigeria for brainstorming, and be ready to receive advice. The leadership must show ability to listen. The counsel that will bring solution is not limited to a group of people. Have listening ears, even if the advice is coming from your enemy. As we call on God for wisdom, to handle these matters, help will come from above, and our economy will bounce back again.”

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