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Buhari Pays Tribute To Fallen Soldiers During Visit To Kenya

FREEPRESS – President Muhammadu Buhari led the Kenyan and Somali Presidents in paying tribute to the soldiers of the Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) killed during the war against the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, according to the Nairobi press.

President Uhuru Kenyatta pledged that the Kenyan soldiers partaking in the peacekeeping mission in Somalia would not leave until their mandate was complete.

“We will make sure every single one of those cowards who murdered them will be hunted down and brought to justice, for our soldiers’ blood will not be shed in vain,” President Kenyatta stated during the service.


For his part, President Buhari expressed Nigeria’s commitment to the fight against terror, and the need to see the fight through to the finish.

“Our efforts to collaboratively tackle terrorism is our sacred duty as leaders, politicians, compatriots and in whatever position we find ourselves in, to ensure that the blood of these fallen patriots was not shed in vain,” President Buhari said.

President Buhari went on to note that nations must fight terrorists “whoever they are and wherever they are”.

Echoing Mr. Buhari’s remarks, Kenyan president expressed solidarity with Nigeria in its war against Boko Haram.

“We are fighting a global war that requires a global response. We are not alone. President Buhari and Nigeria are no strangers to the enemy we face.

“Like us, Nigeria has had to comfort victims of terror and families of soldiers who paid the ultimate price,”  President Kenyatta said.

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