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Bill Meant For Regulation Forestry Profession Scales 2nd Reading In House Of Reps

A Bill to establish Forestry Profession of Nigeria and other related matters HB. 801 (2020) has passed Second Reading in the House of Representatives.

The bill which was read the first time on 10th of March, 2020 is sponsored by Hon. Johnson Egwakhide Oghuma

Nigerian House of Reps in Session
Leading the debate at the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, Hon. Johnson Egwakhide Oghuma said The bill seeks to regulate the profession of forestry in Nigeria by establishing the Nigeria Institute of Chartered Foresters.


He said the need to sustainably manage forests and their produce cannot be undermined especially in the area of mitigating climate change and prevention of soil erosion while offering watershed protection and also providing many other ecosystem services.

“The Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) which ended in 2015 failed in many countries especially in Africa due to lack of institutional framework. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will expire in 2030 has 14 goals which are directly related to Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). Achieving SDGs in 2030 will require a robust and resilient forest ecosystem which can only be delivered through high level professional input from institutions like the Nigeria Institute of Chartered Foresters.

“It therefore becomes very necessary to provide the enabling professional backing to ensure a standard forest management ethics in Nigeria. Thus the need for this institution,” he said.

Parts of the lead debate read below:

The objectives and functions of the Institute among others shall include-
(a) to set standards of knowledge and skill to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the forestry profession and raising those standards from time to time as circumstance may permit.

(b) to establish and maintain the register of fellows, chartered members, associates and registered foresters entitled to practice as foresters and the publication from time to time of list of those persons;

(c) to perform any other functions that the Council under this Bill shall confer on it by this Bill.

(d) to identify modern forestation strategies and needs with the view of inculcating same to their products;

(e) to channel all knowledge towards finding solutions to national challenges and development; and

(f) to collaborate with other national and international forestry institutions involved in training research and development of forestry profession.


This Bill has a total of 20 Sections and 3 Schedules-

Section 1 deals with the establishment of the Nigeria Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Section 2 of the Bill highlights the composition and function of Council and membership etc.
Section 3 of the Bill is on selection and responsibility of the President, etc. of the Institute.

Section 4 spells out the Financial Provisions. While Section 5 deals with the Transitional provisions as to Property and function etc.
Sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Bill deal with the Appointment of Registrar, etc. and preparation of the register; Publication of register and lists of corrections; and Registration of Foresters and others.

Section 9 deals with the Approval of qualifications, etc., while section 10 deals with the Supervision of instruction and examinations leading to approved qualifications.
Sections 11 and 12 of the Bill handle the Establishment of the disciplinary tribunal and investigating panel; Penalties for unprofessional conduct, etc.

Sections 13 to 19 of the Bill are on Miscellaneous and General matters such as Application of Act to unenrolled persons; When persons are deemed to practice as Foresters; Rules as to articles, practicing fees, etc.; Provision of Library facilities, etc.;

Registrations and rules; Offences; and Interpretation.
Section 20 deals with the Citation.


The Bill if passed to Law will have no financial encumbrance on the Federal Government as the Institute being a professional body shall be self-sustaining.

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