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United Nations Human Rights Commission Condemns Killing Of #EndSARS Peaceful Protesters In Nigeria

BY Trojan News, Oct 21, 2020

Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, hasĀ  strongly condemned the use of excessive force by Nigerian security forces on peaceful protesters in Lagos on Tuesday night.

Bachelet in a statement on Wednesday called on the Nigerian authorities to take urgent steps to deal decisively with the underlying problem of persistent violations committed by the security forces and make a stronger effort to bring police and army personnel guilty of crimes against civilians to justice.


It reads, ā€œWhile the number of casualties of yesterdayā€™s shooting at the Lekki toll plaza in Lagos is still not clear, there is little doubt that this was a case of excessive use of force, resulting in unlawful killings with live ammunition, by Nigerian armed forces.

ā€œReports that CCTV cameras and lighting were deliberately disabled prior to the shooting are even more disturbing as, if confirmed, they suggest this deplorable attack on peaceful protestors was premeditated, planned and coordinated.

ā€œNigeria was already at boiling point before this shooting because of the revelations about years of unchecked violence, including alleged killings, rape, extortion and other violations, by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.

ā€œWhile the authorities have now dissolved SARS and announced a series of inquiries at both Federal and State levels, there have still been few if any charges levelled against its members despite abundant evidence against various members of the squad, as well as members of other security forces and the army.

ā€œI appreciate that the government has taken a number of measures to address the protestorsā€™ demands.

ā€œHowever, the immediate creation of another elite police SWAT team to replace the SARS — without first addressing some of the root causes of police violence and putting in place sufficient safeguards to prevent future violations — has eroded the publicā€™s trust even further. This latest terrible event in Lagos is like wantonly adding fuel to a fire that was already starting to rage out of control.
ā€œThere need to be immediate, independent, transparent and thorough investigations, not just into last nightā€™s killings, but also into all the previous violations committed by security forces.

ā€œThose appointed to carry out such investigations must not only be independent and impartial but must be widely perceived as such. And, where sufficient evidence already exists to warrant charges, immediate suspension of officers ā€“ including senior officers — suspected of committing serious crimes, should take place long before the conclusion of such investigations.

ā€œAfter so many years of reported violations that have not been adequately dealt with, there also needs to be a root and branch re-examination of the entire security sector, and of its civilian oversight.
ā€œThis should include a full-scale review of rules of engagement and training systems and methods.
ā€œNigerians, like everyone else, have a fundamental right to peaceful assembly and protest.

ā€œThe government has a responsibility to take positive measures to ensure the realization of this right, including deterring others who intend to prevent them from protesting peacefully. The worldā€™s attention is now focused sharply on how Nigeriaā€™s Government and security forces react over the coming days and weeks.
ā€œIn a population with such a young median age, it is important to listen to the grievances of the younger generation and make an effort to address the multiple problems they face, which include — but are far from confined to — police brutality and violations.ā€

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