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The Ahmed Gulak’s Death Lessons

It is a death so unpleasant and unfair. A profanity. For the body of Ahmed Gulak of all people, to have lain lifeless. On the naked street for all eyes to feed on. Laced with his golden blood about the head, where he may have been shot. By some uncircumcised goons. Simply because the thugs are at liberty and audacity to brandish the guns. Who gave the guns with which they maim and kill at will?. Oh, this was a death, so cheap and dreadful. We hadn’t seen this kind death, despite our harvest of deaths. Gulak, the likeable patriot.

Kai! Yah head is not correct to call it death. Was it death?  This was a killing. Murder. Assassination. How does this now call for insults at my person? You do not mind yah tongue. Mind the way you talk. Anyway, whether killing, murder or assassination, it translates to the same thing. Death. Bloody two-headed snake. To hell with your useless IPOB bandits and your devil-brother, Kanu. IPOB and Kanu? Far be it. We have nothing in common. Besides, we aren’t of the same origin. Liar. As far as I know, you all from that side are birds of the same feather. What is the different between a snake and a python so long both swirls the ground on the stomach? Two things are known to kill the yam tuber; cooked or roasted. That is death for you. One of many the things could kill a man.

A microphone and a loud speaker. You know nothing else than speak English bigger than your coconut head. Void of common sense that animals have. Even the Vultures and Cockroaches. You can’t be civil and listen for once. You always tinker helpful national discourses with vituperations. That is why national calamities abound.


Is it you and I who will stop the cala…meeting… minini? Fingerlings cannot be where big fishes are else they are swallowed. How can I reason with someone whose mental faculty is a suspect and his words are over the bar? We have nothing in common. Firstly, you simplified a hideous murder to ordinary death, to exonerate your killer-brothers. Now, I know you too are a killer, with your grammatical nonsense. How dare you call the killing of a whole person, the cooking or roasting of a yam tuber? Something terrible must be wrong with your medulla oblongata.  

The Ahmed Gulak’s metaphor is grave. You can’t opaque it with your irreverence and lousy tongue. Ignorance and brashness are so cheap on the street. And I can see why you have a monopoly of it. Were they to be sold in the market places, granite-head like yours wouldn’t be privileged to acquire it in abundance. Scallywag. You are the confused person, not my good-self. Sorrow. Monkey-tail and Tramadol have taken possession of you. They make you walk on your head.

Yes, Gulak was from your region and not mine, as you rightly said. But unlike you, the tribal vendor, he was a warm personality, so detribalized. Whilst alive, Ahmed Gulak cultivated genial warmness outside of his region than with many of you unreasonable singers, from your region with noble minds. Even the news’ floods on his demise apparently showed more of his friends from outside of his Nigeria’s north-east fringe state of Adamawa or the larger North. In reality, it isn’t mostly by region, but one’s choices of well-meaning circle of association. Retrogressively, your kinds stick to sectional jingoism. You thus poison yourself and are a quarantined COVID-19 victim. You’re a living dead worse than the dead.

Hear a traitor and a secessionist preaching unity. Your divisive antecedents are well-known. I cannot be fooled. Even Kanu and Igboho are sincerer than you are. They are truly unpretentious for proclaiming secession. But, you are the Bat, who is not there nor here. People are not safe to cohabitate traitors like you are. Since you are here and there, I can as well say that you are in the league of IPOB/ESN, who killed Gulak.

That is interesting. Now that you know the killers of Gulak. The Police would invite you to sing how much of his intriguing killing you know.

Was it not the Police, who said they identified them as the killers? That Gulak eluded their binoculars and shield and found his way to the scene of his killing? The same Police, a little while after the murder, uttered that the same IPOB/ESN assassins met their waterloo, where the killers hijacked some truck and gifted its onions-load to passersby. Police is the Iroko tree that could peer through the blanket night and see the witches that killed the ill-fated child. Why rope me into what I know nothing about, that the Police readily know? Are you angry that nemesis has caught up with your friends?   

I earlier warned against despicable tongue landing you, soon, in a deep mess. You, it was who alluded to the Police, being the Iroko tree that witnesses the night cover and the deeds of the Sorcerers. The question is who watches the Watchdog, when he, the Iroko conceals the Sorcerers?

Our Police had performed a great feat, the British Scotland Yard is yet to replicate. Catching and roasting some terrorists, on the heel of a horrendous crime. Those who do not like it can create their own Police. 

Crime investigation isn’t for the lazy and the double-dealers. Killing suspect is extra-judicial, as leads to investigation and trial of other suspects involved in same crime. And in a crime situation, everybody is a suspect. That is why a Policeman, before arresting a suspect would identify himself. He is also bound to display a warrant paper upon carrying out a search on a suspect. To ensure it is legal. A bodily search of him is necessarily before he conducts the exercise. Situations are where Policemen conceal and originate exhibits on suspected persons. All these also make the Policeman a Watchdog who must be watched.

Do not expect more comments from me. I am thru with you. You may continue with your gullible grammar. That is your way.

The demise of Ahmed Gulak was golden and moralizing for all Nigerians. Men shouldn’t heave stones into the market places, thinking that they are for the perceived enemies living far away from them. Relatives may be the ones to be hit. What goes around comes around.

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